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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 08:05



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 07:21

摘要Rose: The ship is going very fast.Peter: Perhaps it makes about 25 knots an hour.Rose: The weather doesn't look very good. Look at all those clouds over there.Peter: Yes, the wind is beginning to blow, but the radio said the weather would be fine today.Rose: The wind is blowing hard. It's started to rain. There's going to be a storm.Peter: The ship is rolling and pitching now. You look pale. Are you seasick?Rose: I feel under the weather.Peter: I have some tablets for seasickness.Rose: They give me no help at all.Peter: Then we'd better go back to our cabin.Rose: The sea is very rough. I get terribly seasick. I'm afraid I'm going to vomit.Peter: Go to bed and shut your eyes. It will be all right. The storm will be over soon.咨询记录 · 回答于2021-11-03如果有客人在餐厅晕船,你该怎么办+用英语回答晕船有专门的英语词汇表示:seasick 这是形容词 adj. seasickness 是名词 n. 当然由此可以延伸出晕机 airsick 和晕车 carsick.希望对你有帮助,谢谢!Rose: The ship is going very fast.Peter: Perhaps it makes about 25 knots an hour.Rose: The weather doesn't look very good. Look at all those clouds over there.Peter: Yes, the wind is beginning to blow, but the radio said the weather would be fine today.Rose: The wind is blowing hard. It's started to rain. There's going to be a storm.Peter: The ship is rolling and pitching now. You look pale. Are you seasick?Rose: I feel under the weather.Peter: I have some tablets for seasickness.Rose: They give me no help at all.Peter: Then we'd better go back to our cabin.Rose: The sea is very rough. I get terribly seasick. I'm afraid I'm going to vomit.Peter: Go to bed and shut your eyes. It will be all right. The storm will be over soon.
美的燃气热水器12升电脑版显示FR一pH一PL一dH一nE一qU怎么调好_百度知... 热水器ph什么意思 上海工程技术大学公共管理专业是什么学院 公共事业管理在暨南大学中属于哪个学院? 中央财经大学公共事业管理学生就业去向都有哪些 中飞院公共事业管理是什么专业 广西医科大学公共事业管理属于哪个学院 抖音怎么发视频@抖音小助手 发视频@抖音小助手操作一览 轻颜相机怎么取消自动续费 取消自动续费教程 轻颜相机vip怎么取消 海鲜巧达面包汤在宁波哪里有卖?(就是假小子戴安... “晕船”怎么用最地道的英文翻译出来? 海鲜巧达汤在三明哪里有卖 one foot boy歌词翻译 海鲜类的英文单词有哪些? 跪求!!急!!在线等!!!高分!!英文作文!! 热压双层起司鸡肉帕尼尼【摩堤】的家常做法? [A cook] 丰富甜美 玉米巧达汤的做法? 2010中招初中英语题几道。 西餐有什么好的汤? 做法? 谁能帮我把这段演讲稿翻译成英文 多谢 西餐汤什么时候喝 晕的多音字怎么区分? 西餐制汤的关键步骤及注意事项是哪些 跪求高手帮我翻译成汉语啊啊谢谢啊 拜托大家帮我翻译一首英文诗 急!! 海鲜捞饭的汤汁如何制作?高分!! 急求翻译英语句子 线上等。 学西点要注意那些东西呢? adventure,debate,presence,existence,survival,... 面包有什么有什么的,答案 车门天气温度零下39度腻子裂了怎么办 怎样区分凝固点的高低?例如:水的凝固点是0℃,液... 阴历4月4日生的是什么星座 lol烬怎么出装攻击爆表? 孕妇照一套价格大概多少? 阴历4月4日是什么星座? 金杯新海狮x30l水温传感器指示零下39度多怎么多 阴历4月是什么星座 急求答案:水银温度计能否测量零下39摄氏度的温度? 阴历4月15日是什么星座 在零下39度以下做户外运动有什么危害 大海有什么好处 在摄氏零下40度以下,应该使用哪种温度计?? 大海象征什么精神? “冷在三九”,今年三九是哪些天?今年冬天什么时候... 阴历4月是什么季节 大海是什么的什么 水银已经是液态,那为什么它的熔点是-39度呢???????? 农历4月是什么月?