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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 08:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 06:58

In China,everyone likes eating noodles。Now let me tell you how to make noodles。
First,you should buy flour,it is very important。Second,The 500g flour into the container, flour middle pa a nest, water poured into the 230ml .The water surface, the full mix, mix to the container bottom can not see the powder into the dough knead will be delicious
Use a damp cloth or plastic wrap the dough, set aside for 30 minutes afterkneading made smooth group
Press the dough into a thick wafer roll out into large slices, sprinkle dry starch adhesive proof
The patch fold growth Strip Cut need width noodles sprinkled with drynoodles, will shake out
If not immediately after the noodles fresh-keeping bag into the refrigerator freezer can eat.

In China,everyone likes eating noodles。Now let me tell you how to make noodles。First,you should buy flour,it is very important。Second,The 500g flour into the container, flour middle pa a nest, water poured into the 230ml .The water surface, the full mix, mix to the ...


介绍煮面条的英语短文如下:Hello ,everyone!Let me tell your how to cook the noodles.First cut up some onions, tomatoes and green vegetables.Then pour plenty of water into the pot .When the water is boiling,add noodles into the water.After the water is boiling again, put a litt...


water, eggs, eggs, monosodium glutamate, and salt. It is very simple. But the simple doing difficult ah, said I still summon up courage, began to boil the noodles. I'll wash the pot and on a gas burner,


Today, my grandmother to entertain me, give me to eat noodle.Start, the grandmother put five bowls of flour in a big basin, middle recess, the water in the middle. Just water flour like crater, here, the grandmother put good basin, mix with chopsticks properly, when water is...


First,cut up the tomatoes and beef.Next,boil the noodles.Then add the ingredients to the noodles.Add salt to the noodles.Eat the noodles.


牛肉面制作过程英语作文 First wash and cut the beef into pieces, then heat it in the pot, blanch the bleeding water, skim the floating powder and take it out for standby. Then heat the pot with cold oil, saute ginger and garlic until fragrant, then stir fry the beef, a ...


求一篇80字左右初中英语作文 关于做饭的 例如炒米、煮面条等。 谢谢 How To Cook NoodlesDo you like to eat noodles?Do you know how to cook them?Well,That is easy.Now let me teach you.First,put a deep large pot on the cooker carefully. Boil some water in thepot,and add pork bones to...

英语作文简单介绍做鸡汤面条 70词左右

How to make chicken soup?Hello,everybody!Do you know how to make chicken soup?Now I tell you.Firstly,check you have all the ingredients.You need chicken,salt,some shallots(葱) and some water.Secondly cut the chicken and shallots up and wash them for a few minutes.Thirdly,...

英语作文 初二作文 怎样做面条

The first step, the first into a pot to boil water, then put the noodles into a pot of boiled open three times, after out on a plate. Noodles Noodles just cooked!

求一篇80字左右初中英语作文 关于做饭的 例如炒米、煮面条等。 谢谢

First,put a deep large pot on the cooker carefully. Boil some water in thepot,and add pork bones to make bone soup.Second,cut up ham,cabbage and green onions finely.Next,cook noodles for 3~5 minutes in the pot when the soup boils.Finally,add the ham,cabbage and green ...

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