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不能承受的生命之轻 经典语句译英。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-03 20:30



热心网友 时间:2022-07-10 04:28

" Cemeteries are a kind of vanity fair that made of stone sometimes, The people in cemetery, they were not awake after died but they become crazier. Because, they were still showing off their illustrious stuffs on their graves."

A book once said " Cemeteries are a kind of vanity fair that made of stone sometimes, The people in cemetery, they were not awake after died but they become crazier. Because, they were still showing off their illustrious stuffs on their graves. " However, in this train of doomsday, fame and gain are still everywhere. The fear and the bleak days are incoming on this train, which still carrying the only hope of life. Here, the hierarchical is still terrible. To the people at the last coach of this train, the superiors said " Passangers are originally at the front coach, you guys were at the last coach, take your seat."

People who are selfish want to make themselves survive. No surprises, they kill each other. Because of survive, the devoured the baby. Does they already being insane that they can't feel the feeling of guilty?

The background of this movie shows the vanity and cruel of humanity.


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