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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-03 15:45



热心网友 时间:2022-07-11 04:46

Being the capital city of Liaoning province and the center of politics , economy, culture, communication,finance and commerce in Northeast China , Shenyang is the largest city of Northeast China and the important heavy city in China.

Shenyang is located in the southern part of Northeast China,in the middle of Liaoning province.It extends 115km from east to west and 205km from south to north. The total atea of Shenyang is 12980 sq.km, in which the urban area covers 185 sq.km. The city is located on the alluvial plains of the Liaohe and Hunhe Rivers, with beautiful scenery. The terrain is smooth , rich in fertile soil and underground resources. The average altitude is 50m above sea level. The highest point above sea level is 447.2m within the territory of Faku county and the lowest piont is 5.3 m within the territory of Liaozhong. Shenyang is surrounded by beautiful Chessboard mountain, Tianzhu Mountain and rippling Hunhe river,Liaohe River,etc.

Shenyang has a contiental monsoon climate of the temperate zone.Winter is cold and dry with more north and northwest wind.In summer it is hot and rainy with more south and southwest wind.The hottest month is July .The annual precipitation is 760mm,rain of June-August covering 50% of the annual rainfall.The weather of springs and autumns are affected by monsoon,so you should wear coat and wool sweater.The temperature in spring goes up quickly,with more sunlight ,all thing on earth revives. There is much rain in summer, so you'd better bring your umbrella.It is very cold in winter, you have to put on cotton ,fur or feather jackets to keep you warm. Fall is short and the air is fresh and moist.The golden time for tourism is fall every year.The best time for ice and snow vies is winter.
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