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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-03 10:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 13:57

The star that I like most is a Wei Er Smith, because the his humbleness, humor, consummate acting skill pluses his charming qualities again and there is also the warm feeling that his performance brings ……
In 1995, Wei Er ·Smith and the actor Martin's Lawrence of another black matched to play a movie-《hopeless situation police 》, greatly meet with success, make him quickly be popular, and here after again clap 《hopeless situation police 》of two sequels.Wei Er ·Smith's slice Chou also rise to USD 5,000,000 from here 1, a great deal of movie distributor seeks to come in succession.In 1996 Wei Er ·Smith clapped a science fiction slice 《independent day 》, greatly explode a receipt of a film record, become the receipt of a film champion in that year.
He successively still clapped after here
The secret of bee living
View dam in the lake
Mankind's contract
7 pound
Civil superman
When happiness to knock on door
Civil rival in love
I, robot
Love ·face
Empty seat
Put on a show time
The fresh prince of shell Lai Er
Wait movie, among them I at like of movie is 《be happiness to knock on door 》, this movie sets the receipt of a film of USD 300,000,000 in that year.Although this movie has no fire to explode of big condition, but very warm and fragrant, is a very quite good aim high movie, I recommend you to also have a look


热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 13:57

I most like the star is Weiershimisi, because he humble, humorous, the exquisite performing skill adds on his enchanting makings again, but also has warm feelings ......
In 1995, Wei Er ·Smith and the actor Martin's Lawrence of another black matched to play a movie-《hopeless situation police 》, greatly meet with success, make him quickly be popular, and here after again clap 《hopeless situation police 》of two sequels.Wei Er ·Smith's slice Chou also rise to USD 5,000,000 from here 1, a great deal of movie distributor seeks to come in succession.In 1996 Wei Er ·Smith clapped a science fiction slice 《independent day 》, greatly explode a receipt of a film record, become the receipt of a film champion in that year.
He successively still clapped after here
The secret of bee living
View dam in the lake
Mankind's contract
7 pound
Civil superman
When happiness to knock on door
Civil rival in love
I, robot
Love ·face
Empty seat
Put on a show time
The fresh prince of shell Lai Er
Wait movie, among them I at like of movie is 《be happiness to knock on door 》, this movie sets the receipt of a film of USD 300,000,000 in that year.Although this movie has no fire to explode of big condition, but very warm and fragrant, is a very quite good aim high movie, I recommend you to also have a look

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 13:58

The star which I like most is a Wei Er Smith, because the his humbleness, humor, consummate acting skill pluses his charming qualities again and there is also the warm feeling that his performance brings ……
In 1995, Wei Er ·Smith and the actor Martin's Lawrence of another black matched to play a movie-《hopeless situation police 》, greatly meet with success, make him quickly be popular, and here after again clap 《hopeless situation police 》of two sequels.Wei Er ·Smith's slice Chou also rise to USD 5,000,000 from here 1, a great deal of movie distributor seeks to come in succession.In 1996 Wei Er ·Smith clapped a science fiction slice 《independent day 》, greatly explode a receipt of a film record, become the receipt of a film champion in that year.
He successively still clapped after here
The secret of bee living
View dam in the lake
Mankind's contract
7 pound
Civil superman
When happiness to knock on door
Civil rival in love
I, robot
Love ·face
Empty seat
Put on a show time
The fresh prince of shell Lai Er
Wait movie, among them I at like of movie is 《be happiness to knock on door 》, this movie sets the receipt of a film of USD 300,000,000 in that year.Although this movie has no fire to explode of big condition, but very warm and fragrant, is a very quite good aim high movie, I recommend you to also have a look !!!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 13:58

I most like the star is Weiershimisi, because he humble, humorous, the exquisite performing skill adds on his enchanting makings again, but also has warm feelings ...... which his performance brings the 1995 year, Will · Smith and another black actor Martin a Lawrence joint performance movie - - "Has fought Police Certainly", attains greatly successfully, causes him to be lucky rapidly, after this and has shot "Fights Police Certainly" two sequels. The Will · Smith's piece reward also from this rises to 5,000,000 dollars one, the massive film executives look in abundance visit. in 1996 Will · a Smith racket science fiction film "Independent Date", exploded the box office record greatly, became same year's box office champion. after this he successively also shot the honeybee's secret to live lake scenery dam human contract seven pound all the people to exceed others in ability , when happy knocked on a door all the people love rival I, robot loved · face spatial seat publicity stunt time Belair's movies and so on fresh Prince , I was liking the movie was ", When Happy Knocked on a door", this movie set the record of 300,000,000 US dollars box offices in the same year. Although this movie does not have the hot magnificent scene, but is very actually warm, is one very good pursues a goal with determination the movie, I recommend you also to look at

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 13:59




The star that I like most is a Wei Er Smith, because the his humbleness, humor, consummate acting skill pluses his charming qualities again and there is also the warm feeling that his performance brings ……In 1995, Wei Er ·Smith and the actor Martin's Lawrence of another b...




My winter vacation is January 22 to February 15. I thought that everybody should have a joyful winter vacation, but I actually do not have. from January 22 starts to February 5, I have been very lazy. Is very in the morning late only then gets out of bed, has the bed t...




of imformation which is concerned with our life.To those skilled in the computer,Intert is a real knowledge repository, whcih is inexhaustible and we can never learn over. In one word, these days Internet is influencing human's life all the time.全部自己翻译的哟, 累死我了 ...


i love music and sports, so i like piano and basketball, i used to play basketball often in school and play the piano at home. but playing basketball always does harm to my fingers, and this affects the learning of piano, what should i do 肯定对的 ...



帮我翻译一篇英语作文... 关于家乡的。

but rivers, air is very good, open the window, a green world, brighten the mood. My hometown is very cold, winter ground always SuBai piece, thick snow can make a snowman and snowball fights. Welcome to my hometown -- jilin.你可以用百度词典翻译一下,就出来。。。


我自己加了一个名字Zhao Yun--Kate,这样译起来方便些。Today I'd like to introduce one of my good friends, and she is in our class. Her name is Zhao Yun, her English name is Kate. She is really funny. She is the mid-team leader in our class, she is quite straightforward...

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