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嘟嘟嘟比嘟比嘟嘟比嘟比嘟 找一首前头是这么唱的女生歌曲 英文的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-07 10:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:04

Banaroo 的 Space Cowboy
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Space cowboy i just wanna fly
Right up to the sky
Space cowboy i just wanna fly to the sky
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Right up to the sky,doo doo be doo be doo
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Take me to the sky
Grab your hat grab your coat yes were gonna take a ride
To end of the universe do u wanna ride
We will speed through the galaxy
Never looking back
Now let your travels begin
Just release and relax, it s a new experience
Put your hand in the air as the engine starts to spin
There is no holding back, it s the perfect consequence
Lets watch the magic begin
Space cowboy i just wanna fly
Right up to the sky
Spacecowboy i just wanna fly to the sky
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Right up to the sky,doo doo be doo be doo
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Take me to the sky
Free your heart free your mind, on this journey you will find
Secret truth to unfold, if u really want to ride
Press the gas, Step in gear,
Now our rockets gonna fly
Leave your troubles behind
Close the door, turn the key if u wanna ride with me
There will be no escape once we reach the count of three
Press your thumbs, let us run, yes it s gonna be a blast
I see the stars in your eyes
Space cowboy i just wanna fly
Right up to the sky
Spacecowboy i just wanna fly to the sky
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Right up to the sky,doo doo be doo be doo
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Take me to the sky
As we soar through the universe
We just fly, we just fly to sky
So high to the sky
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Doo doo b doo be doo
Space cowboy i just wanna fly
Right up to the sky
Space cowboy i just wanna fly to the sky
I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo
Right up to the sky,doo doo be doo be doo
Space cowboy

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:05

李善姬的《太阳雨》或者叫《狐狸雨》,不过这首不是英文的,是韩文的,韩剧《我的女友是九尾狐》的插曲。 不知道有没有英文版本。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:05

太阳雨~~~ 李善姬的

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:06

你是想找 鬼步舞曲-女生版 ?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:06

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