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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-31 16:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 23:11

Aggregate number of HIV infected pregnant women in the general obstetrics and gynecology ward of hospital infection management and care, including ward environment and requirements to prepare, maternal care, newborn care, nurses, occupational protection, that maternal HIV infection with emphasis on the care and strict rules and strengthening of hospital infection management, and emotional support to patients and health ecation, with social development, the material standard of living, people's demands on health has changed dramatically, clinical nursing staff not only bear the task of promoting a speedy recovery, and responsibility for the maintenance of health, prevention and rection of complications of the task, particularly in obstetrics, pregnancy-specific diseases, occur in pregnancy after 20 weeks to two weeks postpartum, the disease a serious threat to maternal and child health is caused by maternal and perinatal death in mind the importance of one of the reasons for death to pregnant women and their families for pregnancy, neonatal nursing knowledge and behavior related to intervention, possible to provide the necessary health ecation and advisory services activities to rece maternal and child mortality, improve maternal and child plays an important role in the quality of life (1), in our hospital since 2008, the graal establishment of HIV infection ring pregnancy - labor - puerperium - full health after discharge ecation system.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 23:11

Summarizes some HIV to infect the pregnant woman in the ordinary gynecology and obstetrics department hospital ward nosocomial infection management and nursing, including the hospital ward environment preparation and the request, the pregnant woman nurses, the newborn nurses, nurse's occupation protection, thought that HIV infects pregnant woman's nursing key to lie in the strict working instruction, strengthens the nosocomial infection management, for patient emotion support and health ecation, along with society's development, material life level enhancement, the people have also had the huge change to the health request, the clinical nursing staffs are not only undertaking the ty which will promote soon to be restored to health, will have the health maintenance, the prevention and the reced complication ty, especially in obstetrics, gestational unique disease, will occur in the pregnancy 20Week later to the post-natal 2 weeks, this sickness threaten seriously maternal infant health, will be causes the pregnant woman and encircles one which of substantial clauses the proct will memorize by rote perishes, will carry on the pregnancy childbirth, the newborn to the pregnant woman and the family member to nurture the related knowledge instruction and the behavior intervention, will provide the essential feasible health ecation and advisory service, to will cut the maternal infant mortality rate, will improve the maternal infant quality of life to have the influential role (1), my courtyard will have established HIV will infect patient gestation period - childbirth time - puerperal period - being out of hospital the entire journey health ecation system graally after 2008.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 23:12

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