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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 06:12



热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 06:47

take a picture
take a photo
take a photograph
have a picture taken
May i/Can i /Would you like to/Would you mind doing 等等。
e.g. Would you mind taking a picture with me?
May i take a photograph with you?

送你一段拍照时的对话 以供参考
George : Stand back a little….Move left. One more step….That's right. Ready? One, two, three, smile! This one is great.
Julie : I don't want to take any more. It takes at least ten minutes for you to take one picture.
George : Come on, Julie. I want these pictures to come out good. You wouldn't understand. You don't know anything about photography.
Julie : That's right, but I do know lots of photographers.They can definitely take more than one picture in ten minutes.
George : Take it easy, Julie. Why don't we take a break? I'll buy you…..an ice cream, OK?
Julie : OK. I want chocolate ice cream, double.
George : You get it! Wait here. I'll be right back.(After a few minutes )Here is your ice cream.
Julie : Thank you.
George : After you finish the ice cream, we'll go on. There are only three more to go.
Julie : All right. When these pictures are developed, will you give some to me?
George : Certainly. You can pick out the one you like best, and I'll make an enlargement of it.
Julie : That's very nice of you. Thanks.
George : Are you ready? Shall we start?
Julie : Sure.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 06:47


Could you please take a picture with me?


Would you like to take a photo with me?

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 06:48

May I take a picture with you?

May we take a picture together?

Could you take a picture with me?

Would you like to take a picture with me?

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 06:48

Can i take a photo with you?

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 06:49

would you mind take a photo with me?
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