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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 06:05



热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 19:17

真有这么严重吗? 好象有点危言耸听呀,呵呵。

蚊子没了引发的问题 The Problems Caused by the Disappearance of Mosquitoes

首先,卖雷达(雷达杀杀杀)和各种杀蚊喷剂,各种蚊香[mosquito-repellent incense],各种驱蚊花露水[toilet water]的厂都会倒闭,企业倒闭了这些人都怎么办呀??他们要想办法吃饭呀,他们有些人可能去台湾讨生活,有些人可能在台湾犯了事,然后咱们国家交涉失败,后果严重!然后美日俄干涉,全球局势再度紧张.
To begin with,the factories ,which sell the "Radars" (such as the brand "Radar Kill,Kill,Kill") and all kinds of mosquito-killer insufflations, mosquito-repellent incenses as well as anti-mosquito toilet water,will all go bankrupt. If the enterprises close down,what should the workers do? They should find ways to stuff their tummies. Maybe some of the workers have to go to Taiwan to beg for a living. And some of them are likely to commit crimes in Taiwan.If our country fails to negotiate with the Taiwan Authorities,it may cause serious consequences. Then America ,Japan and Russia will intervene, and the global situation will become tense again.

Then as a result of the closedown of the companies and the loss of a large amount of bankroll, a great number of working people in the former mosquito-killer companies will have no food to eat. What's worse ,the government will bear an increasingly heavy burden,which will eventually result in the chaos of public order by the furious laid-off citizens. As the share-holders lack confidence ,they will sell off the shares / stocks without restraint,which will cause the stock markets to collapse, and the world bank will be forced to draw back its money. Finally, the USA will negotiate with the Middle East to strive for the decrease of the oil prices. The Chinese Government will reaffirm that the world peace is an important condition of every country's development .And at the same time, it'll express its great regret and indignation at this event.

Therefore,the problems caused by the disappearance of mosquitoes are unimaginable,because it's very important to keep ecological balance.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 19:17

Sell radar(the radar kill) first with various kill a gnat to spray, various mosquito-repellent incense, various factories which get rid of gnat perfumed toilet water all would close down, does the business enterprise close down these people how to all do??They want to think a way to have a meal ah, they some people beg for a life in Taiwan probably, some people may make to settle a dispute in Taiwan, then the our national negotiation fail, result severity!Then American day Russia interfere with, global situation once more nervous.

Again because the company closes the door, the bank funds runs off in great quantities, large of at first kill a Wen2 Ji4 company a labor people will have no rice edible, the government burden aggravates, end unemployed citizen blunt 垮 , who cause the public order is cut up rough, cause a people lack confidence, greatly four mp a stock, the stock market leaps dish, the world bank is compelled to take back a funds.End United States and negotiation in Middle East descend by fighting for an oil price to adjust.The Chinese government again reiterates wanting world peace is all countries the important condition of development, the Chinese government means tremendous indignation and deeply heavy regret to this time affairs.

So mosquito didn't the problem for causing can't imagine, is very important because of protecting good ecosystem balance.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 19:18


Sell radar(the radar kill) first with various kill a gnat to spray, various mosquito-repellent incense, various factories which get rid of gnat perfumed toilet water all would close down, does the business enterprise close down these people how to all do??They want to think a way to have a meal ah, they some people beg for a life in Taiwan probably, some people may make to settle a dispute in Taiwan, then the our national negotiation fail, result severity!Then American day Russia interfere with, global situation once more nervous.

Again because the company closes the door, the bank funds runs off in great quantities, large of at first kill a Wen2 Ji4 company a labor people will have no rice edible, the government burden aggravates, end unemployed citizen blunt 垮 , who cause the public order is cut up rough, cause a people lack confidence, greatly four mp a stock, the stock market leaps dish, the world bank is compelled to take back a funds.End United States and negotiation in Middle East descend by fighting for an oil price to adjust.The Chinese government again reiterates wanting world peace is all countries the important condition of development, the Chinese government means tremendous indignation and deeply heavy regret to this time affairs.

So mosquito didn't the problem for causing can't imagine, is very important because of protecting good ecosystem balance.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 19:18


热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 19:19


蚊子没了引发的问题 The Problems Caused by the Disappearance of Mosquitoes 首先,卖雷达(雷达杀杀杀)和各种杀蚊喷剂,各种蚊香[mosquito-repellent incense],各种驱蚊花露水[toilet water]的厂都会倒闭,企业倒闭了这些人都怎么办呀??他们要想办法吃饭呀,他们有些人可能去台湾讨生活,有些人可能在...



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