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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 03:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 04:44

1. Our teacher John didn't think he has given example will follow the entrance exam relevant.

2. My mother, the most important thing in my life, have long believed that I will one day will be a success.

Structure: a noun + the restrictive attributive clause + reason adverbial clause

1. The gift is a car, I refuse to accept because it is too expensive, and, I didn't need to drive to the school.

2.2008 the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is a great success, it makes the world was shocked, because it the ably the history of China and the dreams of the future achievements together shown to the world.

Structure: There is no doubt that way at that time + + + attributive clause

1. There is no doubt that I spent in his hometown of childhood, to my bicycle effect is very big, when the time of my hometown is the river in a small city.

2. There is no doubt that this picture painted of tang dynasty, it was invaluable for a famous painting by.

Structure: the preposition + whet object clauses +-+ / but... + to this...

1. I to you do today but I used to think was satisfied with you is a lazy boy.

2. I happen to where things are very regret, I used to think that it is not possible.

Structure: the attributive clause + passive

1. Only those who are all got good grades talents can be key university.

2. Only those who reach the standard nations can apply for the Olympic Games.

Structure: emphasis on words' + together

1. Only the more training you can improve your listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability

2. Only to science and technology development, ecation and health just may improve.

Structure: first... + then... +'s...

1. After graation, his first do a worker, do then a store manager later made a factory boss.

2. From then on, he first to a depot, and then in a steel factory work in any engineer, when the time is one of the major steel mills, and later to a proction computer company President.

Structure: as as demand

1. Through the Internet, people can get knowledge and fun.

2. With the rapid economic development, more and more parents can afford training course, to their children can get some skill also can enrich their lives.
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