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《红豆》翻译问题 是王菲的 方大同的也可以

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-01 19:32



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 16:54



Trembling together, touching the snowy whether,
Than we understand what is tender.

Walking through the deserted sand hill hand in hand,
Than we cherish each other everlastingly.

I know everything comes to a close.
Nothing is immortal when it's time to an end.

But sometimes I would choose to be reluctant to leave.
After bearing all the scenery in mind may you company me for the slight life?

Endowing the jequirity with my sentimental lingering,
Than by sharing we could clear about the sorrowful yearning.

Kissing you softly when awake,
Than you seek the freedom of loneliness by my side.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 16:54


热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 16:55

Haven't good feelings
Snowflake blooms of climate
Together we tremble
What is more tender
Haven't you in hand
Through the desert nes
May henceforth to cherish
Last and forever
Sometimes sometimes
I believe that everything has an end
Leave all sometimes together
Nothing will perpetuation
But I sometimes
Prefer not to miss
Until the scenery is distinctly
Perhaps you will accompany me see waste not, want not
Haven't you put red bean
Make a lingering wound
Then share
Can understand lovesickness sorrow
Haven't good feelings
The gentle kiss awake
May around me
You just pursue freedom of loneliness
Sometimes sometimes
I believe that everything has an end
Leave all sometimes together
Nothing will perpetuation
But I sometimes
Prefer not to miss
Until the scenery is distinctly
Perhaps you will accompany me see waste not, want not
Sometimes sometimes
I believe that everything has an end
Leave all sometimes together
Nothing will perpetuation
But I sometimes
Prefer not to miss
Until the scenery is distinctly
Perhaps you will accompany me see waste not, want not

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 16:55

关于yin_princess 的回复我纠正一下,在大同翻唱时,他把 红豆 的英文名翻译为 red bean
而不是Jequirity,所以我觉得应该翻译为 red bean 比较好
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