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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-02 15:20



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 13:44

One day,a rabbit and a tortoise were talking to each other.
The rabbit said to the tortoise:I can ran fast,can you?
Tortoise: Don't be so sure,I can run fast, too.
Rabbit: Let's have a race.
Tortoise: No problem! Let's have a race.
Rabbit: Mom, come here, you can be a judge who is faster.
Mom:OK. Now, get ready? go!
Rabbit: Oh,he is too slow.I should have a nap.
Tortoise: He is sleeping.Never mind.I'll go on.
Rabbit:Where is the tortoise? I'd better go first.
Tortoise:There you are.I am the first.
Rabbit:I can't believe it.

1L的tortoise拼错了,turtle是海龟的意思,虽然也有乌龟的意思,但是turtles前面不可用a. 录音里说的是 a tortoise. 所以应该是tortoise

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 13:44

One day,a rabbit and a tortoise were talking to each other.The rabbit said to the tortoise:"I can run fast,can u?""Don't be so sure,I can run fast,too.""Let's have a race.""Not at all,let's have a race.""Bob,come here,you can be a judge,who is faster.""Ok,now,get ready.Go!"......"Oh,he is too slow,I should have a nap.""Don't sleeping,never mind I'll go on.""Where is the tortoise?I'd better go fast.""Here u are,I'm the first."I can't believe it!"

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 13:45

Part five: listen and number.
one day, a rabit and a tortoise were talking to each other.
The rabit said to the tortoise.
Rabit:I can run fast, can you.

Tortoise: Don't be so sure, I can run fast too.

Rabit:let's have a race,

Tortoise: No problem, lets have a race,

Rabit:Bob, come here, you can be a judge. Who is faster.

BobOk, now, get ready, Go!

Rabit:oh, he is too slow, I shall have a nap.

BobHe is sleeping.

Tortoise: Never mind, I'll go on.

Rabit: Where is the tortoise? I'd better go first.

Tortoise: There you are, I am the first.

Rabit: I can't believe it.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 13:45

PART 5 Listen and Mime

One day a rabbit and a tortoise were talking to each other.

The rabbit said to the tortoise,"i can run fast,can you?"

"Don't be so sure!I can run fast too!"

"Let's have a race!"

"No problem!Let's have a race!"

"Bob,come here,you can be our judge, Who is faster."

"Ok,now,get ready,go!"


"Oh,he's too slow!I shall have a nap!"

"He's sleeping!Never mind,I'll go on!"

"Where is the tortoise? I’d better go fast."

"There you are.I am the first!" "

"I can't believe it!"

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 13:46

Part Five: Listen and Mime
One day, a rabbit and a tortoise were talking to each other. The rabbit said to the tortoise:" I can run fast. Can you?" "Don't be so sure! I can run fast, too." "Let's have a race!" "No problem! Let's have a race!" "Bob, come here. You can be our judge. Who is faster!" "OK. Now, get ready? Go!" "Oh, he is too slow. I should have a nap." "He's sleeping. Never mind. I'll go on!" "Where is the tortoise? I'd better go fast." "There you are. I'm the first." "I can't believe it."

One day,a rabbit and a tortoise were talking to each other.The rabbit said to the tortoise:I can ran fast,can you?Tortoise: Don't be so sure,I can run fast, too.Rabbit: Let's have a race.Tortoise: No problem! Let's have a race.Rabbit: Mom, come here, you can be...




(3)and solely by mechanical means 。 这是并列分句,和前面的 obtained directly from olives 是并列成分,所以会省略前面相同的句子成分 = and (obtained)solely by mechanical means ,意思是理解:而且通过通过机械方法(橄榄油)单独地(被获得)。


你之所以接到这封信是因为你加入了那个 free lotto 不要相信啦,我曾经也上过这个网站,网站上明明写有永不收费,但是却会一次又一次的发邮件让你交钱的。而且根本不会中奖啦。


American street basketball culture American street basketball culture Walking in the streets of New York, perhaps the city's noise does not give you a hint of the pleasure and the shock, maybe you're trying to make you look forward to the rhythm of soul-stirring.A group of ...


Easy to move on 走下去应该很容易 forget to about it all 或许你已全部忘记 Is that what you Easy to move on do?难道这就是你走下去的原因?hoping I will be gone希望我会离开 大概就是这个意思了 我按你的句子来翻译的 后来我百度了一下 原来这是一首歌词!!挪威女歌手SISSEL在《All...


be good at 的be去掉,这和你用clever的道理是一样的,直接用形容词,或者直接说 子:I am good at...,否则就是一个祈使句。第二段:2010/1老外看不懂。改成:01/2010或者Jan. 2010. 下面的几个日期道理一样。下面的内容真的不通的。你能不能把中文给我,我来帮你翻译,好吗?


他是一个敌人,代表政府和相信神 国王权利。此外,作为一个catholiche希望恢复信心 英国的国家宗教。这和其他的原因 ,在不到两年的时间内他引起了整个国家和苏格兰反对他。意识到 对他的感情越来越andmindful父亲的命运,1688年杰姆斯逃 到法国。总的感觉在英语是一个救济 atlosing如此不尽人意的国王。


I standing here ,thank for my teacher of cc give me a change .I want to use the great English and communication with yours.姐姐我才读初二,不是懂太多,要是发现错了就改改,O(∩_∩)O~我还想帮你加一句 中文:感谢你们听我讲话 英文:Many thanks for everyone listen to me!


During these 2 months, I’ve acquainted myself with the products and services of our company. Though now I haven't participated in real practice in our company's project, I'm learning hard to enhance my skills and be well prepared for the coming projects.在这段时间里,我熟悉...

37的英文怎么读请读给我听 可以请你拼给我听吗英文 请听清楚我的问题英文 请听第一题用英文翻译 请听我的故事英文 现在请听我的朗读英文 请听我说翻译成英文 请听的英文 请听他的英文
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