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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-02 14:33



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 22:37

1. My bedroom does not have a large space but it is very cozy and warm.
2. I have lived here since I was little/only 5 year-old.
3. Therefore, there are lots of sweet memories of my childhood here.
4. Now, I am really happy to share them with you.
5. My room has a large French window.
6. During my leisure time, I always sit by the window, enjoying the sunshine, drinking a cup of coffee/tea, and reading.
7. This can really help me to refresh myself after stressful study.
8. Beside the window, there is a wooden desk.
9. It is an graceful desk painted with beautiful white colour.
10. There are just several simple but useful articles on the desk.
11. Among them, the most striking thing is a blue reading lamp.
12. The light of the lamp is neither to bright nor too dim.
13. Everyday, I complete my preview and review in the soft lamplight.
14. It is of great importance to ensure my good grade.
15. Next to the desk, there is a bookcase.
16. There are tens of books in it.
17. Since I like reading a lot, there are various kinds of books in it, such as fictions, sciences, arts, cartoon, history.
18. These books accompany me through all my childhood and provide me with a great deal of knowledge.
19. As the British stateman Francis Bacon once said, "Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend".
20. "Abeunt studia in mores.", I totally agree.
21. Apart from these, there are a bed in the middle of my room.
22. It is a small comfortable bed, with a mickey mouse sheet.
23. It is a very cute sheet and I like it very much.
24. Every night, I sleep on my litte bed and can always have a sweet dream.
25. Even though, my room is not the most extravagant, it is definitely the one I like best!

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