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很抱歉它发生了 但道歉也不能让时光倒流 是那首歌

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 21:08



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 09:59

倪安东的Sorry That I Loved You
作词:倪安东/Skot Suyama
作曲:Skot Suyama

For all of the times that I tried for your smile
For making you think that I was worth the while
So your love love love love love would be mine

For sending you flowers and holding your hand
That no one was there to take a stand
But then love love love made us blind

And I'm so sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry I was falling in love with you
I'm sorry that it came true but sorry doesn't turn back time
For all that I have done to you
I wish that I could make it right
So sorry that I loved you
Sorry that I needed you
Sorry that I held you tight

And Im so sorry for…
Making you love me and saying goodbye
For being the one that taught you how to cry
It was love love love and it passed us by

For giving you every thing that you dreamed
For taking it back when I fled the scene
Sorry love, for wasting your time

And I'm so sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry I was falling in love with you
I'm sorry that it came true but sorry doesn't turn back time
For all that I have done to you
I wish that I could make it right
So sorry that I loved you
Sorry that I needed you
Sorry that I held you tight

An apology now after all of this time
Won't make any difference tonight
But I'm hoping 'im sorry' will open your mind
To love love love love in your life


For all of the times that I tried for your smile
For making you think that I was worth the while
So your love love love love love would be mine
For sending you flowers and holding your hand
That no one was there to take a stand
But then love love love made us blind
And I'm so sorry that I hurt you
转载来自 ※Mojim.com 魔镜歌词网
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry I was falling in love with you
I'm sorry that it came true but sorry doesn't turn back time
(很抱歉它发生了 但道歉也不能让时光倒流)
For all that I have done to you
I wish that I could make it right
So sorry that I loved you
Sorry that I needed you
Sorry that I held you tight
And I'm so sorry for…
Making you love me and saying goodbye
For being the one that taught you how to cry
(还有 我居然教会了你 什么是哭泣)
It was love love love and it passed us by
(爱情真的来过 但它又悄悄溜走)
For giving you every thing that you dreamed
For taking it back when I fled the scene
Sorry love, for wasting your time
(抱歉 我的爱 因为我浪费了你的青春)
And I'm so sorry that I hurt you
Sorry that I fell through
Sorry I was falling in love with you
I'm sorry that it came true but sorry doesn't turn back time
(很抱歉它发生了 但道歉也不能让时光倒流)
For all that I have done to you
I wish that I could make it right
So sorry that I loved you
Sorry that I needed you
Sorry that I held you tight
An apology now after all of this time
Won't make any difference tonight
But I'm hoping “im sorry” will open your mind
(但我真心希望 这句抱歉能打开你的心房)
To love love love love in your life
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