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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 18:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 22:12

帮你写了 看满意吗
First of all, thanks for your dinner.
I write this letter because I wanna to say thatI was a traditional woman. I won't make love with you when we just got the first date.The problem is not because I like you or not, but my principle.
Love is very sacred to me, you probably think I was too or conservitive. However, I insist on my point. Your demand is an insult and injury to me.
I'll never make love with anyboby for money.Although you placed a bundle of money in my bag, I will use your favorite way to pay you back.
Finally,I think we won't meet each other any more.Sorry about that,and hope you have a nice stay in China.

呵呵 老外是满开放的 你不能接受他们的生活态度 就没必要做朋友下去 不然对你是一种心里压力 呵 希望你处理好

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 22:12


1.I'm not the type of person you'd think.It's not a matter of love but my principle.i am a troditional person.
love is sacred to me. i still stick to that ,though you would regard me as a conservetive. I won't make love with you when we just got the first date.The problem is not because I like you or not, but my principle.
Love is very sacred to me, you probably think I was too or conservitive. However, I insist on my point. Your demand is an insult and injury to me.
I'll never make love with anyboby for money.Although you placed a bundle of money in my bag, I will use your favorite way to pay you back.
Finally,I think we won't meet each other any more.Sorry about that,and hope you have a nice stay in China.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 22:13

Sorry! I don't need your money and I don't want to see you again.I am scared by what you have done!对不起!我不想要你的钱,也不想再见到你.你所做的一切吓坏我了.(把钱用纸包好,连信一起放到信封里头,约他在公众场所见面,交给他后,说声BYE-BYE).

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 22:13


热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 22:14


I am so sorry that I can't accept you. 'coz I do have my own life and I never meant to change it! Er..sorry..!
You are sure to find your Ms.Right!

First of all, thanks for your dinner.I write this letter because I wanna to say thatI was a traditional woman. I won't make love with you when we just got the first date.The problem is not because I like you or not, but my principle.Love is very sacred to me, you p...


I feel it glad to know and talk with you,but I'm sorry we can't be sweethearts.Now I still can't understand the love excactly.But we can be good friends.With time going by,I think we can understand each other and even be sweethearts.That's what I think.或者你就说这...

哪位高手来帮我翻译一段英文 拒绝在线翻译 谢谢



refuse 是拒绝的意思 ,reject 也是拒绝的意思,但是它还有抵触的意思,比refuse程度更强烈,turn down 是减小的意思 例如 please turn down the TV请把电视的声音调小一点 decline是下降的意思 ,也有拒绝的意思,不过它是委婉的拒绝,程度很轻


I am a vampire.I swear,I will not hurt me in the same category I will not betray my race,I would not sell my soul.I am a vampire,I will always guard my faith, my spirit.I am a vampire,Live forever in the dark,And always remain loyal to the call of the dark;I ...


全人工翻译, 保证全对!Ready? 你准备好了吗?What else? 还有什么?Excellent! 好极了!That’s a good idea. 那真是个好主意。Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。What about you? 你又如何呢?Guess what 你猜怎样 … the holiday of you dreams. 你梦想中的假日 What do you reckon? 你认为如何?It ...


这里有一个请吃饭英文邀请函(正文在下边),你可以参考下人家的格式,当然你也可以先把邀请函的中文写出来让我们翻译。请吃饭英文邀请函Dear Uncle Yang, I would like to invite you to the international food festival in our school on Sunday,June 15th.Our students will sell many delicious foods. Hope to...


I love you, although I didn't love you in the way you request.But it doesn't mean I don't love you. Trust me, I can do what I promise. What I want is very simple - come back to me.Don't say you want to study and take it as an excuse. It is really unfair. ...


1.As we all know,China is a developing country.It needs much construction,so I can get a good job easily in the nation as I studied architecture.2.My family has houses in both Shenzhen and Huaihua,my father also has a factory in Shenzhen.3.I need to take care of them in...

汉译英 求英语高手 拒绝机器翻译 小弟感激不尽

2. We all know, China is a long history of the country.3. With the Spring Festival draws near, people will hold a variety of activities.4. Welcome to China to experience the traditional culture of our country.5. In addition, since last seen Mr.Smith been a long time has ...

怎么拒绝老外的邀请 老外被拒绝后的反应 如何拒绝老外的表白 如何拒绝外国人的见面要求 老外拒绝表白的方式 怎么拒绝一个外国人的表白 如何委婉拒绝外国人的邀请 拒绝求爱的话 被老外拒绝合照怎么说
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