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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 07:15



懂视网 时间:2022-05-13 14:36


热心网友 时间:2022-05-13 11:44

Prior to 1998, believe that almost no one knows the world, there is a name of Valve's game development group, and then in 1998, has experienced that unforgettable summer E3, it was believed that almost no players will not know its name: "Half-Life" shock brought about by the feeling that some find fault with those who are forced to acknowledge that it is a game with a strong appeal, while "Half-Life" was more than 40 recognized the media's "Best Games "title, but also as the" epic works of art "- Half-life is becoming more competitive in today's action games market with the Quake series, Unreal series to form the three trend.
In the Quake series of large-scale global launch of the "Raytheon's whip III: Arena", Unreal series of "Unreal: Tournament" after a strong attack, Valve those days no matter how busy they are, what does? "Half-Life: Team Fortress" Although an excellent team-player mode and won the majority of the "heart", but it can only be counted as the previous generation, "classic works"; and "Half-Life: tit for tat," but to allow players in the Play a role in the completion of the conversion, the game itself there is little or no innovation; "Team Fortress II" is still shrouded in mystery after layer, raising the veil still need some time ... ... But the Half-life over the faithful barges can never worry, because the same as TFC was introced, in fact, Valve has some talented players have been the use of "Half-Life" game engine to develop a model of integration of the team, team tactical simulation, the last house operational details such as the excellent game-type action game "counterattack."
Valve in the development of "counter" used a recently become a very popular "open" development model: from time to time they released the beta version of a game player free download for testing (some game development companies in the completion of 90% degrees , and even released a beta test version seems so mean!). The original game from version 1.0 to upgrade to the current version 6.0 (file size is about 43 trillion), but Valve seems to be the game design and development is still "something more to say," does not dictate the development of the design process to make any publicity. Even so, the game is already in the CS ( "Half-Life: Enemy of the State" abbreviation, the same below) Tester obligations (including, of course, the author himself) circles to obtain a high rating.
Very "box office appeal" game mode
As "Team Fortress", as CS in the multiplayer game is still set up two teams against each other. The purpose of the game but it seems more of a number: in the TFC, the blue team and red team in the traditional mode of capture the flag is never-ending each other, "killing"; and in CS, the players will have the opportunity to play a fearless bravery, courage of the pioneers of law enforcement - as a counter-terrorism commando in one, if you are "hard" enough "bad" words in order to achieve their own or one you may never achieve the "dream evil" (I hope forever not to achieve), you can join a group of the most heinous terrorist in the middle of the hearts of the police and will be forever a "nightmare" - the assassination, robbery, explosions, kidnapping you will become a part of daily life armed thugs!
Adopted as a result of the game is "Half-Life" game engine, so the lighting effects for the game, the details screen, music, sound effects also do not do anything too much introction. Although the CS model and the game is well-known police simulation game "Thunderbolt special police" series is like (on behalf of its latest work for Ogilvy & Mather has just introced the electronic "Thunderbolt SWAT III: the last house combat"), but essentially there are two very different: in a "special police Thunderbolt III" the task of scene, SWAT team members have to face the computer AI is controlled by criminals, and justice on behalf of CS anti-terrorism commando in the face of "human bandits "challenges. So popular in the selection of games, great "value box" of the anti-terrorist activities as game themes and multi-player network mode of the game as the only way, Half-life together with a powerful game engine, it is no wonder a lot of contact The games have the "feeling of the first demo" is: This may be the world's most fun multiplayer game network! To be or not to be
All players in the first after entering the game, imagine that immediately before the emergence of a fierce battle scenes. But the fact the contrary, players appear in front of a shopping mode: each new player to enter will receive a certain amount of money, you can use the money to buy their own hands the said weapons. Of course, you can purchase the type of weapons will be your choice of side constraints, for instance, the police is not possible on carrying "notorious" of AK-47 assault rifles on ty to take to the streets. If you off-hand, you can also buy some, such as helmets, bullet-proof vests like Armor (sets of heads in black stockings terrorists of course, free of charge, if you choose to join the ranks of terrorists, then).
In the latest version of CS 1.6, game players can see the way the three different scenes tasks. In the first known as "hostages" (Hostage) scene, the anti-terrorist commando must rescue a group of terrorists seized the hostages - a lack of sufficient if you are patient and careful, then, it is recommended you select more appropriate to terrorists: This is because the hostage-taking is controlled by a computer, you simply can not control their actions.
The second task of the scene is "critical" (Bomb Plant / Defuse), the laying of a terrorist bomb, anti-terrorism commando in the specified time must be to dismantle the bomb, the terrorists of course, can not be idle - must do everything possible means "to protect "their own bomb. In fact, the scene in all three games, I personally think that the third called "assassination" (Assassination) is the most fun: the anti-terrorism commando politicians must escort a VIP (VIP) the safe arrival of a withdrawal point, the mission of the terrorists is "the end of" the poor out of the Very ImportantPig. As the game available to both sides a number of sniper rifles, so the task is simply to become a "battle attacks" where, at the same time, in order to ensure the security and reach the evacuation point, anti-terrorism commando will have a room to conct a thorough search -- - a fierce "fighting the last house" in the inevitable trend. There is also a flight (escape) mode, as long as there are two gangs arrived at the designated location, even if the gangs win. Of course. This gang is still favorable, but even if you buy the good weapons, the next round will automatically disappear. But every will be three cops and robbers exchange.
PK can make money?
CS Games in focus at the same time entertaining game, the game did not ignore the side of authenticity. On in the fierce shot, as long as the player key parts of the body (chest, head) hit by a bullet, they would immediately dead - even if you are wearing a bullet-proof vests and wearing helmets, there is no guarantee that you can be sure to escape the "one shot life "at the end. Players in the battle, "killed", the game will not be able to "rebirth", you can only play in next to the role of a bystander until the end of time or one game win. In other words, if all party members killed, the other side win automatically. When the end of a board game, all players will remain online until the next task to enter the scene, or repeat the game scenes, a battle won in the former players can receive a greater number of monetary awards (the amount of incentives will be just as the players fight in the performance), but the party lost a small amount of money available to buy equipment. More money to the party naturally more sophisticated weapons and Armor, and less of a party ... ... this "is the rich become richer and the poor are poorer" game design is to allow those "good-yong争强" the players in the game make more use of the brain, rather than inlge in arbitrary red and die in vain, eventually the game to enhance playability and strategic.
Light weapons, large exhibition!
Although CS is a use of the original Half-life game engine, but Valve are still some of the key parts in the well of "polish polish" and weapon system the game is undoubtedly one of the most dazzling闪光点. Players can not see it in the CS in some traditional FTP games of all kinds of strange set of "future weapons", all the weapons from the real world. Moreover, the role of the hands of the game are the weapons to the way a true representation of the 3D texture: shiny metallic luster of the frame, the end of black rifled Hanguang, clear edges and corners, a clear outline of the frame structure, as well as the spray gun of a variety of different shapes the flame will make "love gun group" are excited. And, more importantly, the gamer can configure the hands of different weapons and the war at any time change their identity in the game: to be or become a sniper fire cover - it depends on players for the team's understanding of the.
Although Valve Software is still not on the game film of the date of the final (and perhaps never listed the date of issue, but for the TFC players are free to download to use), a film the way (a lot of people guess Valve will introce a "Half-Life" CS version of the task, the same as TFC) and other factors of concern to players to make any official statement. But one thing can be certain, more than team game modes will become a trend in the development of online games and the people - TFC has been a good example of this, and CS is not yet on the film has been "carried forward" mode of this game.
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