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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-01 11:32



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 10:32

This project is of Hebei Engineering College on the 1st two apartment buildings. Kaiyuan Road, which is located south of Zuo Xi Road, west of Hebei Engineering College secondary school, type of structure for the frame structure, seismic rating of three, for secondary structural level, the importance of category C buildings, the building Rational use of material life of 50 years. Seven ground, for 1044 people live, with a total construction area of ​​8517.4 square meters, building height is 24 meters. All are made of reinforced concrete structures reinforced HPB235 and HRB335 foundation will use C25 concrete with 100 mm of C15 cushion plain concrete. This project is ideal for students to stay, elegant environment, conditions, facilities, all the drawings are all in accordance with the specifications designed to meet the design standards.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 10:32

Pick to
This project for hebei engineering college level 2 college 1 apartment buildings. Located at the south west, zonama kaiyuan road west, hebei engineering college level 2 college campus, structure types of frame structure, seismic grade for level 3, structure security rating for the secondary, building importance categories for c class, this building reasonable use fixed number of year for 50 years. The ground seven layer, people live, for 1044 8517.4 square meters with a total construction area of 24 metres in height, buildings. All reinforced concrete members reinforced HRB335 HPB235 and are used by C25 concrete, foundation, cushion adopts 100 mm d23 for conerete after. This project is very suitable for students, elegant environment conditions in complete facilities, according to specification all drawings are all designed, comply with the design standards.
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