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Let'S Face The Music And Dance [The Frank Sinatra Collection] 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-31 23:34



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 02:58

歌曲名:Let'S Face The Music And Dance [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
歌手:Frank Sinatra
专辑:New Year'S Eve With Sinatra

豆豆,我们相爱一年了,OH YEAH我记得,亲爱的,记得 你那柔发的闪光
There may be trouble ahead
But while there\'s music and moonlight and love and romance
Let\'s face the music and dance
Before the fiddlers have fled
Before they ask us to pay the bill
and while we still have the chance
Let\'s face the music and dance
Soon we\'ll be without the moon
humming a different tune and then
There may be teardrops to shed
So while there\'s moonlight and music and love and romance
Let\'s face the music and dance
Soon we\'ll be without the moon
humming a different tune and then
There may be teardrops to shed
So while there\'s moonlight and music and love and romance
Let\'s face the music and dance
Let\'s face the music and dance
Let\'s face the music and dance
Let\'s face the music and dance
Let\'s face the music and dance

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