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Hat Full Of Stars 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-05 06:43



热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 20:08

歌曲名:Hat Full Of Stars
歌手:Cyndi Lauper
专辑:She'S So Unusual/True Colors/Hat Full Of Stars (3 Pak)

hat full of stars
i was folding up your letters
unpacking winter clothes
searching for my hat
i thought i left it by the door
so i tore around the room
like a bird without a head
i saw your picture waving back at me
from underneath the bed
from a long, long time ago
when all i had
was a hat full of stars
the one i'll always treasure
the one that you wore
you loved the look
but you never looked inside
you would have seen me there
you could've seen far
you should've seen the magic
in my hat full of stars
i'm trying to live in the present
but i keep tripping on the past
finding out reality, well clarity
comes in dribs and drabs
no we never had the time
for everything we had
so it felt like we had nothing
that's what makes this hat so sad
it was a long, long time ago
when all we had
was a hat full of stars...
the one i'll always treasure
the one that you wore
you loved the look
but you never looked inside
...you would have seen us there
you could've seen far
you should've seen the magic
in my hat full of stars
in my hat full of stars
now whenever i'm alone
and i think i might forget
i wear my lucky hat
just like a crown up on my head -
'cause all i have
was a hat full of stars...
the one i'll always treasure
the one that you wore
you loved the look
but you didn't looked inside
if you could see me now
you would've seen far
you should've seen the magic
in my hat full of stars...
in my hat full of stars..
in my hat full of stars..
in my hat full of stars..

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