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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-05 11:09



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 05:16

Through adjusting k1 value can adjust within the scope of certain and adjust the number of active unit. For density weighted array, k1 values should not exceed 1, otherwise directed graph will worsen.
For active array element of feeder amplitude. If it is only 1, density of weighted array such as well, which is pure density vice feeder to simulate ranging from painting. This is a simple density weighted array. In order to further achieve lower sidelobe, also can not using feeder, namely how such amplitude quantification order. For example, the two-order quantification, array in central unit feeder amplitude face to 1, face the edges of the feeder amplitude array for 0.5. Through multiple order determined density weighted array quantification, active unit of array elements, such as distributed homogeneously than easier to implement low amplitude feeder sidelobe, this is a kind of many order quantification of composite density weighted array.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 05:16

By adjusting the value of k1 can be adjusted within a certain range adjust the number of active units. For the density weighted array, k1 values must not exceed 1, otherwise the pattern will deteriorate.
On the active array element for the feed rate. If only such a density of weight matrices for the other deputy feed, which range from pure to simulate the density increase. This is a simple weighted density matrix. In order to achieve low side lobe, or not fed with equal amplitude, that is multi-stage quantization. For example, the second-order quantification, the central front range of the feed unit 1, front edge of the feed rate is 0.5. Determined by the density of multi-stage quantization weighting matrices, active cell array element distribution, feed rate than the other is easier to achieve low side lobe, which is a multi-stage compound to quantify the density-weighted array来自:求助得到的回答

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 05:17

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