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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-05 16:11



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 19:36

The Chinese joint stock system transformation had quite period of time, but because China business finance viewpoint is faint since long, in the corporate finance management decision's process, has the problem which many not standard urgently await to be solved, the dividend policy is one of them. The dividend provide both relates the company shareholders and creditor's benefit, and will relate company's future development. High dividend, on the one hand may cause the shareholder to obtain the considerable investment yield, on the other hand will also cause the company share market price rise. But the high dividend, will have enabled the company to preserve the benefit to rece, either the influence company will develop in the future, because either will offer loans, issues additionally the new stock to increase the capital cost, will affect the company finally in the future the income. But low dividend, although enables the company to have the many development finances, but violates with the company shareholder's desire, the cause stock price drops, the corporate image suffers injury. Therefore, how to formulate the dividend policy, will cause the dividend the provide to adapt with the company future sustained development, and will cause the company share price to be steady and rising, then has become the corporate management level ultimate objective.
I believed that the appropriate dividend policy not only may set up To be listed's positive image, moreover can stimulate the general investors the enthusiasm which invests continually to be listed, can thus cause to be listed to obtain long-term, the stable development condition and the opportunity. The article first has made a basic outline to be listed dividend assignment policy, had understood initially To be listed dividend assignment theory as well as to be listed dividend assignment policy type, then carries on the analysis according to our country To be listed dividend assignment policy's present situation to our country dividend assignment policy existence's question, talks about the overseas To be listed dividend policy in the article to give our enlightenment finally, and proposed consummates our country To be listed dividend policy the measure.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 19:36


China's shareholding system reform has been quite some time, but since a long time Chinese enterprises lack the financial point of view, in the company's financial management and decision-making process, there are many irregularities and issues requiring urgent solution, dividend policy is one of them. Both dividends paid to shareholders and the relationship between the interests of creditors, related to the company's future development. Higher dividends, on the one hand shareholders will receive substantial investment income, on the other hand also cause the company stock price rise. But the high dividend, the company will rece retirement benefits, or affect the company's future development, or e to borrowing, issuance of new shares and increase the cost of capital and ultimately affect the company's future earnings. And a lower dividend, although the companies have more resources for development, but contrary to the wishes of shareholders, causing share prices decline, the company's image damaged. Therefore, how to formulate dividend policy so that the dividend payment and the company's future sustainable development in line with the company and stock prices Wenzhongyousheng, has become the ultimate goal of the company's management.
The author believes that the appropriate dividend policy can not only establish a good image of listed companies, but also can stimulate the vast number of investors on investment in listed companies continued to warm and thus enable listed companies access to long-term and stable development conditions and opportunities. The article first dividend distribution policy of listed companies to do a basic outline, the preliminary understanding of the distribution of dividends of listed companies and listed companies dividend distribution policy types, according to China's listed companies and dividend distribution policy on the status of the dividend distribution policy issues Analysis, the article in the final dividend of listed companies on foreign policy given us inspiration and made a perfect China's listed companies dividend policy measures.
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