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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 05:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 03:46

Hello everyone. My name is XXX.

Today I am so happy to be here to introce myself.

I am now studying in XXX primary school in my X(first,second...) year.

When I am in school, I can learn a lot from teachers and make friends with my classmates.

That's great for me!

When I am out of school, I like to help my Mum with food shopping and housework.

Of course, I also like to play with my good friends after class.

My hobbies are doing all kinds of sports, reading books and watching TV.

My favourite sport is XXX(例如,badminton).
我最喜欢的运动是玩XXX (例如:羽毛球)。

My favourite book is called XXX(例如,One Story Everyday).

And my favourite TV programme names XXX.(例如,Kids in the family)

I love my family and I love my life.

I love English.

I hope I can learn more about it and tell everyone more about myself next time.

Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 05:04

The collision and circulation of culture〔关於奥运の英语演讲稿〕2008-07-26 16:09One is the western culture that breeds Greek; the other is the Chinese culture, which has over 5,000 years’ history. In 100 days, when the Olympic Torch is lighted in Beijing, the two different cultures will circulate. The Olympic culture will have thicker civilization for absorbing Chinese culture, and the modern Chinese culture will be more contemporary. It shows a wish that wants to be known and accepted.

The collision and circulation of a fantastic culture perhaps is a chance that can’t be seen even in thousands of years. Although in this collision and circulation, there is hard to avoid misunderstanding, misconceive and even hostility, no one can obstruct its obit and trend.

The Olympic Game in Beijing in 2008 is not only a grand meeting of people, but a grand action of culture as well. The world culture will be full of vim and vigor for the joining of Chinese culture. Both Chinese people and the world people will be the founder and the profiteer of the Olympic Game.

Now, china is watching the Olympic and holding the Olympic sincerely. While wanting the world to admit us, we are admitting the world, too. On the way holding the Olympic Game, if the international convention is contradictory to the Chinese characteristics, we will resolutely choose the first one, instead of insisting on promoting Chinese culture. It needs sincere, manner and courage. We believe that the circulation of culture needs each other to throw the prejudice, listen more and experience more.

China hold the Olympic Game, is the stage of this old but young country showing the culture, and the stage of promoting comprehension. No matter where you are from, no matter what the color of your skin is, no matter what your religious belief is and no matter what language you speak, you will be welcome so long as being under the flat of Olympic Game.

In 100 days, in the nation stadium ‘bird nest’ that designed by designers all over the world, there will be on opening ceremony, which embodies harmonious, and 205 countries and regions will be here to share a culture feast. There won’t be antagonism and animosity here, there will be only exchange and competition, and every culture will be together and accomplishing ‘One World, One Dream’!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 06:39

Good morning!

My name is XX, I come from the XX, I am very nice to meet you.

I like to eat XX, my favorite sport XX.

Blue is my favorite color, so my father bought me a blue bag.

My mother is very beautiful, she often speak to me more interesting story.

I love my home, I am happy to let it grow.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 08:30

Quietly look at a corner of the night sky
No star
No moon
I feel so empty
Gently suck a mouthful of air
No fragrance
No fragrance
The heart is low, there is a sense of desolation
Silly to have a past
No talk
No company
Enjoy one of the The End of Life

热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 10:38

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