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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 05:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 21:17

  Hello everyone, today, my topic is my ideal.
  British scientist Edison filed, we are not unfamiliar, he is known around the world as the king of the invention, the invention of his life has more than a thousand, my ideal is to become a big inventor like Edison.
  Edison to engage in invention almost blinded, train slugging is deaf in one ear, also by sulfuric acid burned a piece of clothing. However, his determination to study science is not shaken, it is this indomitable spirit, persistent efforts and attitude towards learning, so that Edison became a great inventor.
  I think, I really want to be like Edison, like the。51yuanchuang。com。 inventor also want to carry forward his not afraid of difficulties, the spirit of hard work, for this, I want to do four words: ground, constant, Yong, thinking. "Ground" is hard work, all the people at all times and in all countries, as a result of your best effort. "Constant" is the persistence, perseverance is expected to have achievements. "Yong" is to learn to meet difficulties, to have the courage to overcome the difficulties of determination. Thought is equally important, learning is always and thinking together, and today's "thinking" but also dare to dream, only open the wings of fantasy, the invention can become a reality.
  A work of a harvest, in order to achieve the ideal, I will pay!


关于理想英语作文小学1 I want to set up a flower shop. It’s my ideal work. I think flower is the most beautiful gifts given by nature. And flower is a good way to express one’s affection. Nowadays, sending flowers is more and more popular, to parents, friends, teach...


我的梦想演讲稿英语1 参赛学校:xxxx 参赛学生:xxx 指导老师:xxx mydream if, say, ideal is a boat to successful, so, ill take good rudder.翻译:我的梦想 各位老师们上午好,我很高兴能参加这次比赛。我的名字叫冷凌萱,今年我12岁了。我是来自横路中心完小六年级一班。现在我将开始...


What is the ideal of life is ideal,ZhiLuBiao,he can bring people desire motivation.Although my ideal looks very far away,but I believe that through my effort,the ideal in the near future will become a reality! 梦想英语演讲稿2 hello everyone! I have a dream that one day every vally sha...




My dream Everyone has a dream. I often ask myself. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a soldier with a gun so that I could defend our motherland.Now I am a young boy with a new dream——to be a doctor. I want to be a famous doctor, helping the sick and ...




以下是我为大家整理的3分钟关于梦想 英语 演讲稿 ,感谢您的欣赏。 关于梦想英语演讲稿1 I'm sure everybody is interested in dream, so I will share a story with you. When we talk about dreams,we are so excited.We all have our own dreams,some want to be teachers,others want to be ...


Childhood, in my little box, but also filled with the ideal of a riot of colours. I will open my chest today, the inside of the baby one one to show you.My ideal is to be a doctor, dressed in white, and then the patients most in need of a helping hand, with hope ...

3分钟英语演讲稿 My Ideal Job



So I'll say:Concentrate upon your dreams and they will become material actualities. Through concentration we work out our dreams in physical life. Your future depends upon the dreams you are forming now. Your past dreams are determining your present. Therefore, if you want a bright...

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