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finish doing sth和finish to do sth的区别是什么

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 04:30



热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 09:41

finish to do sth是完全错误的形式,finish是后面只接doing形式。

finish doing sth

读音:英 [ˈfɪnɪʃ ˈːɪŋ]   美 [ˈfɪnɪʃ ˈːɪŋ] 




Can I just finish doing this? 



finish doing sth的近义词:complete doing

complete doing

读音:英 [kəmˈpliːt ˈːɪŋ]   美 [kəmˈpliːt ˈːɪŋ] 




One or two more minutes, just complete the task stop. 


热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 09:41

finish doing sth. 翻译为:完成做某事。
而没有finish to do sth这个用法。

finish/ ˈfɪnɪʃ; ˋfɪnɪʃ/
(a) [I, Tn, Tg] 结束,
* Term finishes next week. 下星期学期结束.
finish one's work 把工作做完
* finish (reading) a book 读完一本书.
(b) [I] 达到工作或活动的结束阶段
* Wait I haven't
finished yet. 等一等--我还没有完呢.
* Two of the runners
failed to finish. 有两名赛跑者没有跑完全程.
* She was leading
for part of the race but finally finished fourth. 她在比赛中一度领先, 但最後得第四名.

[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (off/up) 把所剩之物吃完﹑ 喝完或用完
* We might as well finish (up) the
cake; there isn't much left. 咱们索性把蛋糕吃完吧, 也没剩多少了.
[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (off) 完成某事物; 使某事物臻於完美; 加工
* a beautifully finished wooden
bowl 加工精美的木碗
* put the finishing touches to a
work of art 为艺术作品作最後的修饰
* This blouse needs to be
finished off before I can wear it. 这件(女)衬衣还要再加一下工我才能穿.
[Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb (off) (infml
口) 使某人筋疲力尽
*That bike ride
absolutely finished me (off). 我骑了一路自行车已筋疲力尽.
(phr v) finish sb/sth off (infml
口) 毁坏某人[某事物]
*That fever nearly finished him off.
* The last bullet finished off the
wounded animal. 最後的那颗子弹结束了这受伤动物的性命.
* (fig
比喻) It would finish me off to see her with him.
finish with sb/sth (a)不再为某人忙碌; 不再使用某物
you wait a minute? I haven't finished with Ann yet. 你能稍等一下吗?
* You'll be sorry by the time I've finished with
you, eg finished punishing you. 等我收拾完你(如惩罚完你), 你就後悔去吧.
* Please put the saucepan away if you've finished with it.
你用完了那个长柄锅, 就把它收起来.
(b) 与某人断绝关系; 终止与某事物的联系
* She should finish
with him he treats her very badly. 她应该和他断绝关系--他对她太不好了.
* I've finished with gambling it's a waste of money.
finish (up) with sth 以某事物作结尾
* We had a quick lunch and finished up with a cup of
coffee/and a cup of coffee to finish up with. 我们匆忙吃了午饭, 最後又喝了一杯咖啡.
finish up ( 後接形容词或名词) 终结; 结束
* He could finish up dead or badly injured.

> finish n

1 [C]某事物的最後部分或结尾
* the finish of a race 赛跑的终点
* There were several close finishes
ring the competition, ie ones in which the leading competitors were
close together at the end. 那几个参赛者在比赛临近结束时成绩极接近.
2 (a) [C, U] 完成的或完美的状态
* furniture with
a fine finish 最後工序做得很细致的家具
* (fig 比喻)
His manners lack finish. 他的仪态稍欠文雅.
(b) [C] 用於处理木器等表面的方法﹑ 材料或物质
* varnishes available in a range of
finishes 可以产生各种表面效果的漆料.
3 (idm 习语) be in at the `finish 在某事物的终结时在场.
n. 跑完赛程等的人或动物.
# `finishing school精修学校(教导女子在上流社会中仪态举止的私立学校,

热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 09:42

finish doing 完成做某事(正在做的某件事)
finish(A) to do(B) 完成事情A 去做事情B

热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 09:43

finish doing 与finish to do 的区别finish to do 这个是不存在的finish只能接 doing 与此相类似的还有 享受(enjoy),练习(practice),愤恨(resent),承认(admit),拒绝(deny),保持(keep),抵抗(resist)
...每次文字比较多超出屏幕大小就不知道怎么截屏,求教大佬! 我国政策性 广西明士清医疗器械有限公司怎么样? 广西禾力药业有限公司怎么样? 广西龙母圣商贸有限公司怎么样? 安徽合肥有什么去痔的好地方 我女朋友的谷丙转氨酶过高(达到121),而且两对半检测为阴性,是肝功能有... 泸州丽人女子医院开展科室 自由之子本次世界杯是否将在小组赛中被菜? 世界杯谁会嬴 watch和finish发音相同吗? finish doing和finish to do的区别是什么? finished to do还是doing finish怎么读 finish怎么读 finish和night的读音是否相同? Finish的读音 finish怎么读呢?急急急!!!快呀! finish,like读音一样吗? “finish”的反义词是什么? finished怎么读 finish音标及读音 finish是什么意思翻译 finish怎么读英语 完成的英文怎么读? finish怎么读 finish用中文怎么读? 晚上睡觉,梦见下雨了,问这是什么意思? 梦到阴天要下雨'抬头看到两条龙在喷雨,但是撒下来的不是雨,是漂亮的... 梦见阴天要下雨时天上出现龙和凤是什么预兆? 梦见阴天要下雨东南方向天上云层里出现戴着乌沙帽上有龙角的人是什么意思_百度问一问 fi nish的音标怎么读音? 求大师解梦,梦见男友双手被砍断。 做梦梦到男友出意外双手*截肢……什么意思……各位帮我解下梦…… 梦见男朋友双手手掌断了,是怎么回事 求解梦,男朋友手指被切断…… 梦见男朋友右手被截肢 梦见男朋友因为我手断了,在梦里却没看见血是什么征兆! 梦见男朋友手被砍断了三个 梦见男朋友被切了跟手指意味着什么 梦见男朋友把我手砍断了,两只手都砍断了 梦到男朋友手断了一只他起床我看到有个娃娃手怎么回事? 梦见断了两个手指。。。求解救! 梦见前男友断手指 梦见被前男友割断手脚筋 我昨晚梦到我男朋友坎了手指是怎么回事? 微博必须绑定手机号才能进行给别人发私信吗? 新浪微博必须绑定手机吗? 微博必须用手机注册吗2022 不绑定手机号对微博帐号有影响吗? 微博一定要绑定手机号吗?或者是一定要实名认证吗?