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What I hope to gain from a colloge education

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-22 00:30



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 06:09

This is my first year in the university. Before I got in this school, I had asked myself a question for many times,ie,what I hope to gain from a college ection? Just to look at the depressing employment situation,you can come to the conclusion that a unversity ecation can not gurantee a job or a satisfatory employment. We've seen so many university graates who are either jobless or are doing the jobs which are paid less than the migrant workers who have little ecation.What's wrong with our ecation system? It seems to me that goverment departments at various levels and enterprises of different ownership are only interested in recruiting people with a master's degree or a doctor's degree and peole like us who will graate only with a bachelor's degree can only expect to work in hotels as waiters or waitresses or in factories as workers on the assembly line. There must be something wrong with our ecation system. My parents have worked very hard to save some money to support me for my university ecation but the salary I will make in the future can hardly pay off the investment. How disappointing it is! I'm here to learn something which I can use in the future and something I can rely on to make a living, not something useless that will only ask me to invest and that will give me no economic returns.So I'm asking you to teach me the real self-sustaining skill so I can make enough money to feed my self and my family.Am I asking too much?
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