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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-05 16:15



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:52

1, I have been living in the high school for two months, in the past two months, my life there have been many changes. In the past weekend, my time is always in play, such as playing games, shopping and so on, but now, I Done by the weekend most things is to learn, study, study. Although a lot of tired than before, but I think I can live a more enriched. I like my high school life,

2, my home city of Chongqing a beautiful city. It's a beautiful environment, surrounded by mountains, misty, known as the "mountain city" and "Frosty Morning." Pentium Yangtze River from its lands through. It also has a The high-rise buildings, full of modern flavor. Hospitality of people here, Lvxing straightforward, everyone has a smiling face filled. This is a beautiful city, this is a rapidly developing city.

3, I think, appropriate to watch TV on both children and alts. Through television, children can learn a lot of knowledge, and the great people through it to relax. However, there are a number of television is not suitable for children's programs Moreover, watch TV too much, let the children and alts are addicted to them. So, to answer whether or not watching television on children and alts are useful on this issue, I think, on the television to be beneficial to both alts and children, whether alts or Children should be appropriate to watch.

4, a travel writer I want to do. I like to travel, and when I arrived at a beautiful place, I have it on record the desire. I think he likes to do things to support themselves is a very happy Thing. I want to do a travel writer.

5, the protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility. As a high school student, first of all we should not do their litter peel litter, do not create noise. Secondly, we should remind the supervision of the people around not to commit such a mistake. We should vigorously Promote the importance of environmental protection so that everyone has such a sense of environmental protection work will be carried out more smoothly.
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