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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-04 13:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 12:12



  carol and susan are very good friends they are in the same _1_ at school and they often visit _2_ home at weekends (周末). now they are _3_ eight years old. carol's mother has got a new baby. carol is very _14_ to have a little sister. so she is always talking about her to susan. at first she is very _5_ in the new baby because she doesn't have any brothers or sisters. but _6_ some time she begins to get tired of carol's endless talking (喋喋不休地谈论) about it. she also fells a little jealous (嫉妒) of her friend.

  one morning when the two girls _7_ in the school ground, carol says to susan, "do you _8_, sue, my baby sister has put on nearly half a pound in weight (体重增加了半磅) this week."

  "that is not very _9_." answers susan. "i know a baby and he puts on ten pounds a day."

  "oh, that can't be _10_." answers carol laughingly. "whose baby is it?" "an elephant's" says susan.

  1. a. grade      b. table      c. class      d. group

  2. a. each other's  b. their   c. theirs   d. each other

  3. a. all    b. two    c. both    d. either

  4. a. angry   b. sorry    c. surprised   d. glad

  5. a. interesting   b. interested   c. happy    d. satisfied

  6. a. before    b. for    c. after    d. at

  7. a. play    b. meet     c. weight    d. walk

  8. a. hear    b. think     c. find     d. know

  9. a. much    b. many    c. few     d. little

  10. a. impossible  b. wrong   c. true   d. sure










  8.选d。这里是carol告诉susan,所以说do you know…即"你知道吗?"这里用不着susan思考或发现,故应排除bc两项,容易混淆的是hear后接宾语从句时作"听说"解,"听说"的是别人的事,自己家的事一般不会问别人是否听说,故a项也不正确。




  it was sunday. i never get up early _1_ sundays. i sometimes stay _2_ until lunch time. last sunday i _3_ very late. i looked _4_ the window. it was dark outside. "what a day!" i thought. "it _5_ again." just then the telephone _6_. it was my aunt lucy. "i've just arrived _7_ train," she said, "i am coming to _8_ you."

  "but i'm still having breakfast." i said.

  "what are you doing?" she said.

  "i'm having _9_," i repeated.

  "dear me," she said, "do you always get up so _10_? it is one o'clock."

  1. a. for      b. on     c. at      d. in

  2. a. at bed    b. in a bed    c. one a bed    d. in bed

  3. a. went to work  b. stood up   c. got up    d. was

  4. a. out of     b. at      c. from      d. up

  5. a. was fine   b. is rained    c. was dark    d. is raining

  6. a. called     b. came     c. rang     d. stopped

  7. a. by     b. on     c. with      d. in

  8. a. ask     b. help    c. see     d. look for

  9. a. tea     b. breakfast   c. supper     d. lunch

  10. a. soon    b. slowly   c. early     d. late



  b d c a d  c a c b d

  1.选b。指具体某一天或某些天,前面应用介词on. on sundays意思“每逢星期天”。

  2.与上文never get up early一致的就是stay in bed. 当不强调bed这一物体,而强调bed的作用是休息和睡觉时,bed前不带冠词,故本题选d。注意stay at bed这种说法是错误的,如要说stay at the bed则意为“呆在床边”。


  4.根据下文it was dark outside,可知他是朝窗外看。“朝窗外看”英语应说look out of the window, look at the window和look from the window都表示在窗口看,至于朝什么方面看就不知道了,这与下文很难连贯,故应排除。look up the window意思是“朝窗子上面看”,不合文意。



  7.选a。by train作“乘火车”解,也可以说on the train。

  8.选c。“我是来看你的”。这一理解较自然,符合情景。a、b两项在文中没有明确交代,给人一种不明所以之感,所以是错的。选项d是中国式的英语,中文“我是来找你的”一句中的“找”也决不是英语中的look for,应灵活地译成i'm coming about something.


  10.与上文一致应选d。get up slowly是指get up这一动作进行得太慢,get up late是指get up这一动作发生得太迟。故slowly不合文意。


  there are nineteen boys and twenty-eight girls in our class.  1   the boys is english. his  2   is sam. he is thirteen. two of the  3   are american. they are twins.  4   names are lucy and jane. they are twelve. they are my  5  . all of the other boys and girls are  6  . we chinese  7   all like the english boy and the american girls,  8  they like us, too. we play games together(一起). we help  9   and they help us.

  look, there  10   the twins! they are coming this way. let's say hello to them.

  1. a. one of      b. two of     c. three of    d. four of

  2. a. school      b. sister      c. brother     d. name

  3. a. brothers      b. sisters      c. girls      d. boys

  4. a. your     b. their     c. our     d. her

  5. a. teachers     b. friends     c. brothers    d. students

  6. a. chinese     b. english    c. american   d. friends

  7. a. teacher     b. sisters     c. brothers    d. students

  8. a. but    b. or     c. and     d. so

  9. a. her     b. them     c. him     d. you

  10. a. is     b. come     c. go     d. work



  1.a  2.d  3.c  4.b  5.b  6.a  7.d  8.c  9.b  10.b







  9.help后接宾语,由文章中得知,文章表示的是we chinese students 跟外国的学生互相帮助

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