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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-03 16:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 04:17

Life in the University
Situation:In dormitory, A is playing computer game,B is reading,C is singing.
A:Hi,guys,now our college life is passing almost two years,and let us talk something special about it。
B: Oh,man,why are you suddenly interested in this topic?Are you finally consciousness after so much time playing computer?
C: Oh yes, I think he is really conscious now。
A:You’re right,I don’t think there is something interesting after playing computer for so long a time。So I want to do something meaningful,like looking at some books as you (for B)do.I am really admire you for you hard working all the time ,and I think I should be the time I change。
B:Thanks ,In fact, you can do that。Before high school I am also obsessed with computer games like you now,Later, I take an active part in some activities in school and take a look at some inspirational books, then slowly not to play .
C:Sounds like a good idea. I think you(for A) should learn to B and do not waste too much time on, the game above, and can not waste four years of university life。I think I also have to learn to B rather than singing for all day long。
B:I’m glad to hear that,I hope you can change yourself from now on,the only I can say is all my thought and Experience。As for those who can really change you are your own 。
A:Ah, you are right,But we still have to thank you,If you do not say it, we do not know how much time would be wasted,still do not know how much time will be spent in these things do not make any sense。I am really grateful for all what you say。
C:Yeah,thank you very much,Although I am not as obsessed with the game as A,I also do not seem to concentrate on learning over the past two years,and spend too much time on listening to the music or singing。If you don’t remind me today,I do not even know my university life has passed for two years.
B:Today you give me a great sense of change,is there anything wrong with you?
A:Nothing wrong。I often note that you ’re reading when I am playing computer games。Sometimes I quite admire you for your good attitude。Oh,Today, I am saying this out。
C: So am I.It seems that I do not care about everything, In fact, I have seen your efforts over the past two years, but I can only admire you in my heart,and blame myself only by the impact of your until today.
B: Ah? I do not boast of you.In fact,the peple who are really affect you are your own.. Of course, you say that I have affected you, I am very pleased to hear that. After all, I have never thought of the issue like "I can affect you!"
A , B,C: Let us work for it together!


That’s all.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 04:17

A: How's your campus life? I heard you got admitted into one of the best colleges in the town.
B: Congratulations! I wasn't updated by that... So tell us more...
C: Well, yes, in September, after taking the college entrace exam, I was admitted into Fudan University, majoring in International Economics and Trade.
B: I heard it's the best major in that good school, and hardest to get in.
A: Well,she's always good at school work. Let's hear more from her. Now go on.
C: I'm now working at my English, and preparing to take the Interpretation Certificate Test. I heard that school life would be intense, I'm a bit worried about it.
A: Don't be. I'm sure you can handle this.
B: So tell us what else are you doing on your campus, especially something interesting.
C: I attended several clubs for fun. They all trained my skills to get better prepared for future work, and cultivate my strong body.
B: You need to be strong...
A: So what will you be doing in the future. Four years school life fly.
C: Yes. I'm probably looking right now. So I guess I'll do auditing as a start until I find out more about what I can do.
B: Sounds interesting.
A: No, auditing can be overwhelming. Since you're a girl, I suggest something stable and not so hard on people.
C: I know. It's OK. Since life here on campus can't be easy also.Do you have any recommendations, just let me know.
A: Yes, sure. So who you like on campus most?
C: A foreign teacher from the United States. He's fun, and asked us to perform acting on class. I think their way of teaching is vivid and you always know how I like English.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 04:18

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