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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-02 05:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 03:21

1. are linked by computers. 动词形式错误
娓玠° ,a librarian没有错,不能换成the,这里并不特指某个图书管理员
不倒翁,改的第二点has it错,单复数不统一,而且这里的宾语it可以省略,并不是必须的。
不倒翁,改的第三点search for it错,因为他断句错误,原文这里并不应该有标点;search for的宾语是other nearby libraries,并不是这本书it.
2.whether any of other nearby libraries have. 主谓单复数不统一
3.connecting libraries in other cities like manchester。city应该用复数
4.if a copy of the book was found 缺少被动语态助动词,并且注意该句是虚拟语气,用was
5.arrangement will be made 主语应当是单数
6.“and within a day and two” and去掉,
7.within a day or two一两天之间用or连接
8.it is also possible副词改成形容词
9.if they are not students,we指代人称错误。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 03:21

1. linked
2. has it
3. search for it
4. other cities
5. is found
6. a day or two
7. possible

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 03:22

british public libraries are link(linked) by computers. if your nearest library in london doesn't have the book you want to borrow . a (the)librarian will go on-line to see whether any of other nearby libraries has.if no library in london has the book in store .the librarian will search for(for去掉) further. connecting libraries in other city(cities) like manchester .if a copy of the book (加is)found .arrangements will be made for it to be sent to your library .and within a day and (or)two .you will be able to check it out .it is also possibly(possible) for readers to borrow books from university and college libraries even if we(they) are not students

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 03:22

are link 去掉are the book you want to borrow 改成the book which you want to borrow a librarian will go on-line to see whether any of other nearby libraries has改成 The librarian will go on-line to check whether .....have.
if no library in london has the book in store 改成if none of the library in london has the book the librarian will search for further. connecting libraries in other city like manchester .改成 the librarian will search further and connect libraries in other citys like manchester . if a copy of the book found 改成if a copy of the book has been found。 arrangements will be made for it to be sent to your library .and within a day and two 改成 They will
made a arrangement for it and sent it to your library within one or two days。 it is also possibly for readers to borrow books from university and college libraries even if we are not students 改成 it is also possible for reader to borrow books from the libraries of University and College even we are not students。(不知道对不对)
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