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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-05 03:36



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 22:09

  随着英语在全球范围的传播,它逐渐成为一种世界语言,这其中,某些地理、历史以及社会 文化 因素对它最初的传播有着重大的影响。我精心收集了大学英语四级短文及翻译,供大家欣赏学习!
   Let the Surprise Speak of Your Love

  In China, people are not used to saying out the word “love”, they don’t express their emotion strongly, it is Chinese tradition, people believe that deep love should be proved in action instead of speaking out, while I’d prefer to express our emotion by making surprise, because it impresses people.


  There is a famous song “hard to speak out love”, many people have such experience, they want to let people know how much they love them, but it is so hard for them to express their love. Sometimes people can change their ways to show their love, they can give surprise, it is much better than the words, at the same time, surprise also solves the problem of speaking love words face to face.


  Surprise is a good way to show love, girls are especially like it. Surprise can bring about some positive effect, such as it promotes people’s communication, strengths their connection. Surprise is so romantic, if you are begging for forgiveness, it always works, because no girl can resist its charm.

  惊喜是表达爱意的好 方法 ,女孩们特别喜欢这样的方式。惊喜可以带来一些积极的效果,比如它促进了人们的交流,增强了他们的联系。惊喜也很浪漫,如果你请求原谅,惊喜总是有效果的,因为没有女孩子能抗拒它的魅力。

  If we love someone, we should let them know our love, sometimes words are hard to say, but we can make surprise.

  大学英语四级短文及翻译:My View on Job-hopping

  Different people have different opinions about job-hopping. Some people like to change jobs frequently because they don’t know what they really good at; while some people stick to one lifelong job for they believe changing jobs frequently will have negative effect on making progress on specific field. As far as I concern, I think job-hopping has both advantages and disadvantages for the following reasons.


  On one hand, job-hopping can help those young people who just graate from universities to find out what jobs they are really good at. They change jobs frequently because they don’t like this job or they just want to find a better job. Some people think changing jobs frequently can ignite their inspiration. I have a friend; he is one of the types that changing his job from time to time. This month he works at the supermarket, next month he is doing business with others. Recently, he plans to run a shop on line. I ask him why, he said that he wanted to find out what job he loves the most. And doing a job for the rest of his life is quite tedious. He doesn’t want to live in the regular life style.

  一方面,跳槽可以帮助刚才学校 毕业 的学生找到自己所擅长的工作。人们跳槽的原因是因为不知道自己不喜欢这份工作或者他们想要份更好的工作。一些人则认为频繁的换工作能够激发自己的灵感。我有一个朋友,他是那种不断换工作的人。这个月他在超市上班,下个月他就和别人谈生意了。而最近,他打算在网上开一家小店。我问他为何不断的换工作,他说他要找到他自己最喜欢做的事情,而一辈子都做同一份工作非常无趣。他不是那种早九晚五的人。

  On the other hand, some people are not so willing to change their jobs, especially most women. If one of them finds a job is steady, she possibly won’t change her job, even though the salary is not good enough. For them, changing jobs takes too much courage and time; it’s not so wise to change. Steady is the most important factor for them.


  Whether to change jobs, it’s up to you. I think it both has advantages and disadvantages. If you think the job you do right now is not good enough, you can seek for a better job; if you can’t take the risk of resign, you had better stay.

  大学英语四级短文及翻译:Embracing New Challenges

  People always talk about age, because age reflects their state of mind, which is something universal despite different family, social or cultural backgrounds. The age of 21 is a sensitive time, people at that age will face the turning point, they meet new challenges.


  In western country, 21 is the age at which young people traditionally receive a key to their parents’ door, as a symbol of entering althood. People at the age of 21 will ask themselves that where should they go in the future. For college students, they are thrilled at the prospect of starting their careers within a year. While as the global recession gets intense, some have to scale down their ambitions. They will realize that being realistic, instead of frustrated, is the solution.


  The age of 21 is also a time to step out of your comfort zone, it is a time to explore the outside world, when you are ready to do so. You have been protected by your family all the time, you should embrace new challenges bravely, get out of the protecting zone, ready to open the new chapter of your life.


  When people come to the age of 21, it means they are alts, they should take responsibility of themselves, to be fearless and embrace new challenges.

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