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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-24 17:17



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 00:23



  1. at, in, on 表示地点的用法区别.

  2. at, in 表示时间的用法区别. 4. 乘*通工具的介词使用.

  3. besides, except, except for 的用法区别. 5. to 后面跟什么? come to

  be used to

  used to

  refer to

  speak to

  be worthy

  give one's life to to

  look forward to prefer to pretend to

  6. 介词省略的问题. A) 动名词前的介词省略.

  B) 间接宾语前的介词省略.

  B) 某一些动词后介词段与表示时间和距离时的介词省略. C) 某些名词前的介词省略.

  II. 句型复习:表示地点的短语(2) 在城里

  in town


  at home

  D) all组成的短语作状语,介词省略.

  在节日里 at festivals / in the Spring Festival 在201房间里 in Room 201

  在书店里 at the book store / library /restaurant 在...后面 at the back of 在...面前 before (in front of ) the judge (difficulty, danger….) 在...附近 near the station

  在户外 outside the door

  在拐角处 at the corner of the street / at the street corner 在阴凉处 in the shade (of)

  在...周围 round the school 在中国东部 in East China

  在...旁边 by the side of the lake 在...左边 to the left of 在湖边 在山腰

  by the lake at the hill side

  在...右边 to the right 在路边

  by the side of the road

  在学校中心 in the middle of our school 国内外 both at home and abroad

  楼上单元 in the flat upstairs

  在国外 (be) abroad

  在海外 beyond (over) sea(s) 在阴凉处 in the shadow


  ( ) 1 Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays.

  A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on

  ( ) 2 -There is nothing ____tomorrow afternoon, is there?

  -No. We can have a game of table tennis.

  A. on B. in C. out D. up

  ( ) 3 A lot of students in our school were born____March, 1981.

  A. in B. at C. on D. since

  ( ) 4 tie suddenly returned____ a rainy night.

  A. on B. at C. in D. ring

  ( ) 5 My grandfather was born____Oct. 10, 1935.

  A. on B. in C. at D. of

  答案1-5 B A A A A

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 00:23



  1. at, in, on 表示地点的用法区别.

  2. at, in 表示时间的用法区别. 4. 乘*通工具的介词使用.

  3. besides, except, except for 的用法区别. 5. to 后面跟什么? come to

  be used to

  used to

  refer to

  speak to

  be worthy

  give one's life to to

  look forward to prefer to pretend to

  6. 介词省略的问题. A) 动名词前的介词省略.

  B) 间接宾语前的介词省略.

  B) 某一些动词后介词段与表示时间和距离时的介词省略. C) 某些名词前的介词省略.

  II. 句型复习:表示地点的短语(2) 在城里

  in town


  at home

  D) all组成的短语作状语,介词省略.

  在节日里 at festivals / in the Spring Festival 在201房间里 in Room 201

  在书店里 at the book store / library /restaurant 在...后面 at the back of 在...面前 before (in front of ) the judge (difficulty, danger….) 在...附近 near the station

  在户外 outside the door

  在拐角处 at the corner of the street / at the street corner 在阴凉处 in the shade (of)

  在...周围 round the school 在中国东部 in East China

  在...旁边 by the side of the lake 在...左边 to the left of 在湖边 在山腰

  by the lake at the hill side

  在...右边 to the right 在路边

  by the side of the road

  在学校中心 in the middle of our school 国内外 both at home and abroad

  楼上单元 in the flat upstairs

  在国外 (be) abroad

  在海外 beyond (over) sea(s) 在阴凉处 in the shadow


  ( ) 1 Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays.

  A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on

  ( ) 2 -There is nothing ____tomorrow afternoon, is there?

  -No. We can have a game of table tennis.

  A. on B. in C. out D. up

  ( ) 3 A lot of students in our school were born____March, 1981.

  A. in B. at C. on D. since

  ( ) 4 tie suddenly returned____ a rainy night.

  A. on B. at C. in D. ring

  ( ) 5 My grandfather was born____Oct. 10, 1935.

  A. on B. in C. at D. of

  答案1-5 B A A A A

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