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谁能帮我写一篇英语的给朋友的一封E—mail. 要求写下天气.我的感想 别的关于生活之类也可以写点. 帮忙~ 谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-26 20:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 08:05

Dear my friend,
I haven't seen you for a long time,so I am willing to contact with you.Now,it's very cold here as winter is coming.Sometimes it rains and it becomes colder and colder.However,it's warm in spring,which makes me feel comfortable.What's more,not only in summer but in autumn,it's sunny and very hot almost of the time.As far as I am concerned,I like the weather when it is sunny and windy.As it is a good time to do the exercise.Besides,at present,I am busy preparing for my final exam and I hope I can get the good grade.
I want to know something about you so I am looking forward to hearing from you.I hope we will see each other soon.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 08:05

Dear my friend,
How are you ? I am free, thank you. I live in China. It is very sunny in summer, but it is so hot too. And I don't like it. This is because it is so hot. In summer , it will be hot and rain.In Sping, it always rain too. In Aumtum, it is wind and hasn't rain too much. In winter, it is very cold. OK, how about you??Let's tell me.
Then let me tell you this is my frist e-mail use ehglish to write. I think It is not too hardly to write. And I will write more to you. OK, bye
see you soon
your love

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 08:05

Dear my friend,
I haven't seen you for a long time,so I am willing to contact with you.Now,it's very cold here as winter is coming.Sometimes it rains and it becomes colder and colder.However,it's warm in spring,which makes me feel comfortable.What's more,not only in summer but in autumn,it's sunny and very hot almost of the time.As far as I am concerned,I like the weather when it is sunny and windy.As it is a good time to do the exercise.Besides,at present,I am busy preparing for my final exam and I hope I can get the good grade.
I want to know something about you so I am looking forward to hearing from you.I hope we will see each other soon.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 08:05

Dear my friend,
How are you ? I am free, thank you. I live in China. It is very sunny in summer, but it is so hot too. And I don't like it. This is because it is so hot. In summer , it will be hot and rain.In Sping, it always rain too. In Aumtum, it is wind and hasn't rain too much. In winter, it is very cold. OK, how about you??Let's tell me.
Then let me tell you this is my frist e-mail use ehglish to write. I think It is not too hardly to write. And I will write more to you. OK, bye
see you soon
your love
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