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有一则洋酒广告的歌曲,有一句:“evary day together"不知如何查到?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-12 12:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 21:58

  歌手(团体):Hooverphonic/Sarah Khider
  歌名:When you know/Mermaid
  乐队开创性地从他们1998年专辑“Blue Wonder Power Milk中描绘的那仿佛冰冷安宁的大海景色。
  Hooverphonic是一支比利时的三人梦幻流行乐队,乐队开创性地从他们1998年专辑“Blue Wonder Power Milk中描绘的那仿佛冰冷安宁的大海景色,而芝华士广告中的这首《When you know》只有短短的30秒,而且没收集到任何专集里,歌词中Wecould be togetheri,Every day together,the moon has fully risen and shines above the sea As you glide in my vision, the time is standing still,只是专为芝华士写的一段广告曲而已,确实成为了一种遗憾,但是 Hooverphonic乐队在第3张专集中的《Mad About You》将《When you know》重新改编,正式放入专集中,专集大卖.

  Mermaid Song

  CHIVAS “ ALASKA “ Lyrics

  We could be together
  Everyday together
  We could sit forever
  As loving waves spill over

  The moon is fully risen
  And shines over the sea
  As you glide in my vision
  The time is standing still
  Don’t shy away too long
  This is a boundless dream
  Come close to me my reason
  I’ll take you in my wings

  We could be together
  Everyday Forever
  We belong together
  Further seas and over

  In the garden of the sea
  I see you looking over
  With my wistful melody
  You leap into the water
  It is no breaths sighing
  This is the mermaid song
  The singing of my sisters
  The sea has drown for long


热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 21:58

<<When you know>> -- 芝华士广告歌
音乐:Mad about you
主唱:Hooverphonic (乐队)


we could be together
everyday together
we could sit forever
as loving waves spill over

the moon is fully risen
and shines over the sea
as you glide in my vision
the time is standing still
don’t shy away too long
this is a boundless dream
come close to me my reason
i’ll take you in my wings

we could be together
everyday forever
we belong together
further seas and over

in the garden of the sea
i see you looking over
with my wistful melody
you leap into the water
it is no breaths sighing
this is the mermaid song
the singing of my sisters
the sea has drown for long

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 21:59

美人鱼之歌” chivas “ alaska “lyrics
we could be together
everyday together
we could sit forever
as loving waves spill over

the moon is fully risen
and shines over the sea
as you glide in my vision
the time is standing still
don’t shy away too long
this is a boundless dream
come close to me my reason
i’ll take you in my wings
we could be together
everyday forever
we belong together
further seas and over

in the garden of the sea
i see you looking over
with my wistful melody
you leap into the water
it is no breaths sighing
this is the mermaid song
the singing of my sisters
the sea has drown for long


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