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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-11 22:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 09:08


My classmate
1.I have a good classmate.She is a beautiful girl.She has short hair like a doll's head.Her eyes are very big. She likes smiling.(她爱笑)Her name is Jin Yu.She is a good student.Her English is very good. We are in the same class.She likes help me study English.I help her learn Chiniese.We learn from aech other and help each other.
2.My name is ...。I am studying at Shiyan Middle School.I am in Class One ,Grade Seven.I'm tall and fat.But I like sports.I like playing football.After class I often play it with my classmates.My math is very good.I often help my classmates study maths.But my English is not good.I don't like it at all.I like Jay Chou/Zhou Jielun.He is very handsome.(帅)He sings songs very well.I want to be a singer like Zhou Jielun.(我想当像周杰伦那样的歌手)
My Family
3.I have a happy family.There are three people in my family.They are my father, my mother and I.My mother 's name is Chen Haihong.She is a teacher/doctor/nurse/famer/worker. She works in a school/hospital/on the farm/in the factory.She works hard.But she doesn't like sports.
My father's name is Zhou Qibing. He likes playing basketball.He watches F1 on TV every day.I have cousins.-a brother and a sister.They like me very much.
My English Teacher
4.My English teacher is Miss(Mr.)Deng.Miss(Mr.)Deng is a very English teacher .She is very kind. She(He) often teaches me to learn English.I like her(him)very much.But my English is very poor.I don't konw whether she(he) likes me or not. I must learn English very well.(我一定要把英语学好)
My holiday

I have a good holiday.Every holiday my parents often take me to Beijing.My grandparents live there.We go there by train.They are very happy to see me. They like me very much.My grandmother cooks delicious for us.I like eating Beijing Roast Duck.(北京烤鸭)My grandfather take me to visit the Great Wall.It is very long.It is very great.I am very happy there.
My Class Life
I am a good student.I like having classes.In class,I listen to the teacher carefully.I like having math class.My math teacher is very kind.He/She often help me study math.He/She is like my good friend to look after me.His/Her class is very interesting.When I am not happy ,he/she often makes me laugh.I often win(赢)the math prize(奖).I like maths. I like my class life,too.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 09:09

my classmate:
my classmate is jinju.she is a good friend.she is a girl.and shi has baby hair.she is very beautiful.and she is the english class representative.she is well in english,math,chinese and so on.I think she is a wonderful student.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 09:09

4: My English teacher is called Miss Deng.She is very kind ,and she ofen help me with my English,I like Miss Deng very much,however, my Eglish is very poor,so I don,t know whether Miss Deng like me. 除了第2楼主的4回答还好,其它的4回答都有错误。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 09:10

1.Our and table: That my same table is called Jin Yu , is a nice student excellent both in conct and learning , she is a girl , is keeping a baby head. Be a English class representative. Achievement is very good

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 09:10

my mother is chenhaihong. she does not like play sports. my father is zhouqibin, he watches F1 every day. I also have two consins.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 09:11


1.My classmate 1.I have a good classmate.She is a beautiful girl.She has short hair like a doll's head.Her eyes are very big. She likes smiling.(她爱笑)Her name is Jin Yu.She is a good student.Her English is very good. We are in the same class.She likes help me...

文化程度 初中 怎么翻译英文

文化程度:Level of Education 初中:Middle school / junior high school


There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happin...


本来不屑于来翻译你这个中文都不流利的两句话,当要翻译成初中水平,我比较感兴趣。A day I can't forget In our daily life, we have many wonderful memories. They are very beautiful. I still remember one time I climed the mountain. That day I can't forget.句子简单,适合初中水平,...


LiPin has made up his mind to study harder, and catch up with other students as soon as possible.2 .明天晚上将有一场中美足球赛 There will be a football match between China and the USA tomorrow evening.3.新年快到了,所有人都在忙着为它做准备.(be busy doing)New Year's Day ...


brilliant gifts for my parents and friends. Eventually, we ate the delicious Beijing Roast Duck. Our trip was wonderful, I enjoyed it.虽然我觉着这些应该分很多段,但是还是按要求翻译了。P.S.如要请教英语问题,我可以帮忙呢,因为我现在在墨尔本读中学,所以应该没什么问题,呵呵呵。Jenny ...


(years old)next year.My wish/dream is to become a scientist.His speech is/was very interesting.They work day and night.The sun has risen.There was a traffic accident there yesterday.It took almost ten years to build this big dam.It is/was nice of you to offer me help.


Mal and Femal education, junior high school, high school, secondary, tertiary, undergraduate, postgraduate, master, doctor


楼上的是Google翻译吧?Suddenly an old cock thought of the plane he took when he was in the air-force army.He talked about the plane in detail and then they knew it was a machine that could fly into the sky.With a lot of effort,the chickens made a plane successfully at ...

英语好的 帮忙翻译一下 谢谢

和这手一起 我会举起你的悲伤 你的杯子从来没有空 我会成为你的葡萄酒 伴着这蜡烛 我会照亮你在暗室里的路 伴着这光环 我请求你成为我的 注:本人英语不是很好,初中程度

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