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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-11 00:46



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 04:36

Abstract: Zen is one of the most peculiar sect in Chinese Buddhism. The study to Zen practice method has a profound significance. It teaches us how to own supreme wisdom, to have healthy psychology and to weep away all the bad nature and negative sentiment. The previous scholar did not study Zen practice method from a comprehensive aspect very well. So this paper gives a systematic illustration and analysis from the perspectives of sudden and graal approaches to enlightenment to buddhism practice way. Then combine the actual practice explains its instructive meaning to way of study. At the end, the paper draws a conclusion: there are three ways to become Buddha, the sudden enlightenment without graal enlightenment, the sudden enlightenment get from graal enlightenment by inspiring, the graal enlightenment that will certainly become sudden enlightenment.

Keywords: Zen, Practice method, Sudden Enlightenment, Graal Enlightenment


热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 04:36

Chinese Buddhism zen is the most unique character of the sectarian, study zen to teach us how to practice method of supreme wisdom, having a healthy heart, eliminate heart all the bad nature or mood has the extremely vital significance. Previous research methods for the practice of zen is not very comprehensive. So this paper respectively from the Angle of JianWu insight and to practice methods of interpretation and analysis system, and contact with reality, illustrates the guiding significance for learning methods. Conclusion: Buddha can be divided into three kinds of ways, without the enlightenment, after JianWu JianWu after inspiration reach enlightenment, inevitable realize after a JianWu.

Keywords: zen; Practice methods; Insight; JianWu
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