问答文章1 问答文章501 问答文章1001 问答文章1501 问答文章2001 问答文章2501 问答文章3001 问答文章3501 问答文章4001 问答文章4501 问答文章5001 问答文章5501 问答文章6001 问答文章6501 问答文章7001 问答文章7501 问答文章8001 问答文章8501 问答文章9001 问答文章9501


发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 04:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 03:08

With the rapid development of social economy and increasingly improvement of enterprise operations and management, more and more people have realized the importance of the accounting information on the business management and decision-making and it runs through the whole process of business management, reflecting the financial position, operating results and cash flows of the enterprise in a certain period, and is an important basis of the scientific decision- making. Proction and management is related directly or indirectly to accounting information. They are complementary to each other: accounting information offers dependence and guidance for proction and management, in turn, the activity of proction and management continually endows the new content to accounting information, enriches and extending the related fields of the accounting information and provides the new topics for the analysis and study of the accounting information, objectively promoting the improvement of accounting information quality. Therefore, how the companies to make decisions with the more effective use of accounting information and improve the quality of accounting information in order to meet the needs of enterprises to realize the organic combination and promotion is the urgent problem our enterprises have to deal with.
This thesis briefly narrates the meaning, role, characteristics and quality of the accounting information and analyzes the applications in business decision making and the requirement of the accounting information quality from the business decisions. The application methods and significance of the accounting information in actual operation of the enterprise are illustrated through specific examples and finally, after a series of investigations some recommendations are proposed to improve applications levels of accounting information in our country.
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