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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-12 15:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 18:57

1. All these minimum measures must be carried out without .
A. delay
2. I have almost $500 ________ deposit in my account.
B. on
3. After Tom passed his driving test he filled _________ an application for his driver’s license.
B. out
4. Whether he can go or not his parents’ wishes.
D. depends on
5. you’ve caught me you could easily imprison me. But on the other hand I am hard to catch.
B. While
6. All banks pay interest ________ savings accounts.
D. on
7. The President and Vice-President are _______ actually chosen by popular votes ________ by electoral votes.
C. not…but
8. I cannot give you the information you ask for, for the simple reason I don’t know it myself.
B. that
9. the opportunity, he might well have become an outstanding writer.
C. Given
10. Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your ________ attention for four minutes.
C. undivided
11. The travelers 400 miles a day by car.
C. covered
12. All human beings are much more _________ than animals.
D. intelligent
13. She has been ________ the same tune on the piano for nearly an hour.
A. practicing
14. He was afraid _______ even a drink of water.
D. to take
15. The elevator _________ slowly to the ground floor.
C. descended
16. He was saving as money as possible in order to repay Jennie eventually.
A. much
17. Retired employees make up the __________of the club.
B. nucleus
18. A new supermarket has grown _________ in this living area.
C. up
19. You ___________ to finish your reading by now.
A. are supposed
20. The room was small and contained far furniture.
C. too many
21. A people’s government is responsible the people.
B. to
22. A helicopter is able to ________ off and land straight up or down.
A. take
23. The gate is the only _________ to the school.
C. way
24. They are willing ________ mistakes and try again.
B. to make

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 18:57

Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just
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