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谁有The Rain--Samira这歌的中英文词?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-13 15:09



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 06:36

国内很多人不了解这歌的真正来源,我在其他论坛也看到过推荐此歌的贴,但99.99%的人都将这歌的歌名误叫作《I saw you walking in the rain》,或者错叫《I SO YOU》,甚至有些CD上写的也是这个歌名,这是错的,其实这歌是翻唱80年代Oran Juice Jones家传户晓的作品 《The rain 》

Oran Juice Jones



I saw you
walking in the rain
You were holding hands and I
will never be the same

I saw you
walking in the rain
You were holding hands and I
will never be the same

Tossing and turning
another sleepless night

the rain crashes against my window pane.
Jumpde into my car
didn't drive too far that moment I knew
I would never be the same.
I saw you
walking in the rain
You were holding hands and I
will never be the same
I saw you
walking in the rain
You were holding hands and I
will never be the same

Now here you are begging to me
to give our love another try
may I love you and I always will
but darling right now
I've got to say good-bye.
I saw you
walking in the rain
You were holding hands and I
will never be the same

I saw you
walking in the rain
You were holding hands and I
will never be the same

W: Hi baby how was your day today?
M: I love you,I want you, baby.
W: you miss me? Well , I missed you too
M: hey, come on baby
W: I missed you so much that I followed you today
M: what? you followed me?
W: Yeah, that's right. I saw you with that girl.
M: what girl?
W: Walking on the street,kissing her,
holding her hand
and now you come back to me ?
No ,baby,
holding her hand
and now you come back to me ?
No ,baby,
forget you but I love you ,
and I can't see you no more.
I saw you
walking in the rain
You were holding hands and I
will never be the same

I saw you
walking in the rain
You were holding hands and I
will never be the same

I saw you
walking in the rain
You were holding hands and I


热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 06:36

不错的歌 楼上努力了 我就随便逛逛了^_^
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