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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 02:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 21:10

By 2010 the GNP will have doubled that of 2000 and the people will be well off.
At present, over 95 percent of rural people in China have enough to eat and wear, and about 25 percent of them live well-off lives.
Since our socialist system is based on public ownership, and since our goal is to achieve common prosperity, we shall then have a society in which the people lead a fairly comfortable life -- that is, everyone's standard of living will have been raised.
Now that the Chinese people have solved the basic problems of food and clothing, they are working their way toward a well-to-do life.
The goals of the first and second stages -- to solve the problems of food and clothing of the entire Chinese people and to enable them to live a relatively comfortable life -- have already been basically achieved;
they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards; easy living; a prosperous family; his family is well-situated financially; well-to-do members of the community.
At present, the great majority of both urban and rural residents in China have adequate food and clothing. The tasks ahead for the Chinese government are, while ensuring a continued increase in grain output, to vigorously promote diversified food proction, readjust the food structure, and continue to raise the people's quality of life from the stage of simply having enough food and clothing to leading a relatively well-off and comfortable life.
According to the State Statistical Bureau, the overall living standards of urban and rural residents have reached 90 points and 81.5 points respectively in accordance with the criterion for a moderate level of prosperity, leaving only one-fifth of the path to accomplish a better-off life for all the Chinese people .
The changes in the residents` consumption structures and styles also indicate that the Chinese people's living standards have approached a moderate level of prosperity.
In the past 50 years since the founding of New China, especially since the initiation of reform and opening to the outside world , the Chinese government has always put the people's rights to subsistence and development first, focused on economic construction, and made efforts to develop social proctivity. Consequently, China's economy and society have advanced by leaps and bounds, its comprehensive national strength has been raised, and the people's livelihood has improved by a large margin thereby realizing two historic leaps -- bringing the people from poverty to having enough to eat and wear, and then to living a better-off life.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 21:10

a better-off life

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 21:11

Middle-class life

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 21:11


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 21:12

be well-off
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