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Next weekend英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 02:38



热心网友 时间:2023-07-13 09:26



I'm looking forward to the next weekend.


There are no overwhelming exercises, no hard work from morning to night, no hard and soft instructions, no scary tests... Of course, there are mountains of homework, what to be afraid of - there is a road to the front of the mountain.


Of course Monday, it's hard to face a teacher who is yelling at - whatever it is, 45 minutes of reprimand compared to 48 hours of freedom?


Gao Tianlang, breathing fresh air, became his own master; Xiaofengwanyue, mood, such as a clear lake, without a wrinkle; Even in the bleak autumn, I can get my father's silent love at any time.


Even in the cold winter, I always have my mother's warm touch. Often smile for no reason, it is because of the mother's life when pretending to be ill and lying in bed... But smile is also sweet, where there is such understanding of heart; Cry also proud, where can find junior high school students coquetry feeling?


In the evening when the wind chimes are ringing, after watering the flowers and plants, I can easily write a diary. On a rainy afternoon, I listen to music and read a few pages of novels. Occasionally, I am on the top of the building, pitching the heaven and earth, thinking fast; Or dwelling in a small room, singing and imagining


So there is always exaggeration of the discovery, there is always forgetting the joy, lonely when it is no longer lonely, lonely when it is no longer lonely. It's only at this time that I suddenly realize that what I got and what I lost are already many……


So, I'm looking forward to the next weekend.


热心网友 时间:2023-07-13 09:27

Next weekend I want to visit somewhere beautiful next weekend , because I like to watch the beautiful veiws . My friends all suggest me to go to the village . So , I make a plan for next weekend . I will go to the village on Saturday morning , and then I will climb the mountian and collect the leaves . I will eat lunch at twelve o'clock . After lunch , I will go back home and write the diary . I hope I can have a woderful time in next weekend ! 就是把你想做的事情用一般将来时的语态叙述出来,在用then , after that 等连词连接起来,形成一片文章就可以了,这片是自己写的,要是有些语法上的小错误要见谅。

Next weekend, I am planning to do some fun and relaxing activities. On Saturday morning, I will go for a hike in the nearby mountains with some of my friends. We are all nature lovers and enjoy spending time outdoors. We will pack some snacks and water and spend a few hour...

Next weekend英语作文

正文:I'm looking forward to the next weekend.我期待着下一个周末。There are no overwhelming exercises, no hard work from morning to night, no hard and soft instructions, no scary tests... Of course, there are mountains of homework, what to be afraid of - there is a road t...


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Next weekend I want to visit somewhere beautiful next weekend , because I like to watch the beautiful veiws . My friends all suggest me to go to the village . So , I make a plan for next weekend . I will go to the village on Saturday morning , and then I will climb th...


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Choose the five most important and put them in order. I'll goput in your orders,绝望主妇中的句子,求翻译~~ 关于刷鞋的作文 关于刷鞋的作文范文 红茶、绿茶最大的区别竟在此 当年钟汉良在台湾到底有多红 与钟汉良同期岀道*的男艺人有哪些 消防设施操作证一定要去北京培训吗 中国式失败内容简介 头发刚烫完能拉直吗烫发后不卷可以重烫吗 行车记录仪出口报关单要提供哪些参数 next weekend什么意思 华为畅享7s总是自动重启? 华为手机一下开机又自动关机怎么办? 华为荣耀Ⅴ10手机无缘无故自动关机重启? 华为mate9自动关机是怎么回事? 华为手机怎么老是自动关机? 我是华为手机,手机总是不停的自动开机又自动关机反反复复怎么办_百度... 华为手机一直重复循环开机关机怎么办? 华为手机待机时老是自动关机怎么办? 华为手机莫名其妙自动重启? 华为手机经常自动重启怎么办? 华为手机为什么老是自动关机重启? 华为手机经常自动关机重启什么原因? 华为手机莫名关机重启? 手游QQ飞车什么A车好用一点? QQ飞车手游,两周年燃魂,星际号和白马王子哪个好? QQ飞车手游:你这车开着开着怎么就翻车了 QQ飞车手游目前什么车最好? QQ飞车里怎么获得永久A车S车? QQ飞车里燃魂针尖和极光哪个综合能力好?求大神回 next weekend 的中文是什么 next weekend指的是星期几 以next weekend为题写一篇英语作文 写一篇,NextWeekend英语作文(汉语) next weekend和last weekend什么意思 有on next weekend这个短语吗 Next weekend Amy wash her clothes这个句子成立吗? next night 有这个短语吗?next weekend 前没有on行吗 以next weekend 为题写一篇小短文,介绍你下周打算做的事情. 服装店开业宣传语,朋友圈发的那种 see you next weekend是什么意思? 我开了个服装店想在8月28号开业怎么发朋友圈 They _ kites next weekend的_里应该填什么? 新开服装店要马上开业了 我想写一段发发朋友圈 有什么活动 什么时候开业 把'这个好消息告知 we going to a trip next weekend怎么填(下周末我们不打算去旅行)? 服装店开业发微信朋友圈怎么发? They will having a picnic next weekend.哪里错了? 交管12123上显示处理了但是没扣钱? the movie next weekend 今天是我服装店开业,昨天发了朋友圈,用什么优美感谢话语回复亲朋好友们祝福