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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-01 20:13



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 22:34

  Miao Huashan Festival introction

  Huashan Festival, also known as the festival. This is living in Wenshan
Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of a grand show.

  Huashan Festival is generally held in the slope is gentle. Flower field
erected a root sucker rod five, six cubits high bamboo or tree. This is flower,
flower also were hung two pieces of red cloth. Every year on December 16,
Huashan host put flower made good, let people know there are flowers field, to
the first day of the first lunar month began to step Huashan, grand Huashan
Festival can also extended to the eighth and ninth. There are two different
versions of the festival's history, an argument is to get up, another is the

  Huashan Festival on the origin, Miao folk spread such a story: Once upon a
time, the Miao ancestors living in the plains, the place has a fertile land,
cattle and sheep flocks. Cruel emperor wanted to occupy the Miao territory, he
sent imperial soldiers to attack the Miao tribe, the king Meng Ziyou led his
nine sons and eight girls, Miao people, and imperial soldiers at war, eventually
outnumbered, Miao failed. In combat kill a and eight of the nine son Meng Ziyou
girl, Miao ancestors had to to the southwest of the mountain range

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 22:34

  Miao Huashan Festival introction

  Huashan Festival, also known as the festival. This is living in Wenshan
Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of a grand show.

  Huashan Festival is generally held in the slope is gentle. Flower field
erected a root sucker rod five, six cubits high bamboo or tree. This is flower,
flower also were hung two pieces of red cloth. Every year on December 16,
Huashan host put flower made good, let people know there are flowers field, to
the first day of the first lunar month began to step Huashan, grand Huashan
Festival can also extended to the eighth and ninth. There are two different
versions of the festival's history, an argument is to get up, another is the

  Huashan Festival on the origin, Miao folk spread such a story: Once upon a
time, the Miao ancestors living in the plains, the place has a fertile land,
cattle and sheep flocks. Cruel emperor wanted to occupy the Miao territory, he
sent imperial soldiers to attack the Miao tribe, the king Meng Ziyou led his
nine sons and eight girls, Miao people, and imperial soldiers at war, eventually
outnumbered, Miao failed. In combat kill a and eight of the nine son Meng Ziyou
girl, Miao ancestors had to to the southwest of the mountain range
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