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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-01 07:23



热心网友 时间:2023-05-10 21:31

Old English poetry was meant to be declaimed aloud before an audience, the poet, or Scop, being both a creative and a performing artist. Accompanied by harp he would entertain the guests of his patron with tales of past deeds, battles of old and the prowess of his lord's ancestors. In this manner was history kept alive for the Anglo-Saxons.

The scop had to be a master of his art, being able to recite thousands of lines from memory (the epic Beowulf alone has 3182 lines) and no doubt poor performances would mean ridicule for the scop and the withdrawal of patronage. This is not to mean that the scop worked purely from memory as there is evidence that the swift composition of fitting verse was also the mark of a skilled man. After Beowulf has slain the monster Grendel and is returning triumphantly to Heorot with his companions we are told that...

"From time to time, the tried-in-battle
their gray steeds set to gallop amain,
and ran a race when the road seemed fair.
From time to time, a thane of the king,
who had made many vaunts, and was mindful of verses,
stored with sagas and songs of old,
bound word to word in well-knit rime,
welded his lay; this warrior soon
of Beowulf's quest right cleverly sang,
and artfully added an excellent tale,
in well-ranged words, of the warlike deeds
he had heard in saga of Sigemund."

These few lines demonstrate clearly the scop's skill in maintaining a large store of verse, his ability to construct new material at need and also the intertwining of tales which must surely have already been known to his audience.

Old English poetry was very formulaic, with the same patterns being re-used with variations time and again. Additionally, alliteration and stress were used in the place of rhyme, which can sound strange but powerful to the modern ear. Another striking feature of Old English poetry was the use of many metaphors or kennings for common subjects: The sea could be referred to as the 'whale's way', 'gannet's bath', 'swan's riding' and so on.

Unfortunately, being an almost purely oral tradition, only about 30,000 lines of Old English poetry remain for us to enjoy today. The little that does remain, however, deserves to be heard rather than just read. On this group of pages we offer a collection of Old English verse read by Steve Pollington, the editor of Wiðowinde. The animated delivery gives a good idea of how the original might have sounded in a Saxon mead hall over a thousand years ago.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-10 21:31

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