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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-30 22:17



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 18:33

1.That is a book which deals with Chinese history.
2.Our teacher often put emphasis on the fact that knowledge comes from practice.
3.Provided that the government could take immediate measures, the pollution could be controlled.
4.One day, a blind girl played the piano in front of a great deal of audience wonderfully.
5.Our dormitory is a three-floor building, Our school is planning to build another new one which is twice as big as it.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 18:34

1 that is a book involving Chinese history (deal with) 2 teacher often emphasizes the fact that knowledge comes from practice (emphasis) 3, if the government to take immediate measures, pollution can be controlled (provided) 4 a day, a blind girl in front of many audiences wonderful play the piano (on) our dormitory is a three-story house, the school plans to build a 2 times higher than it of the new house (twice)

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 18:34



That is a book which is dealing with China's history.

 2.  The teacher often places great emphasis on the fact that knowledge comes from practice.

 3. If the government immediately provides/takes measures, the pollution would be stopped.

 4. One day, a blind girl put a great performance on the piano in front of many audiences.

 5. Our dormitory is a three-storeyed house, the school is planning to build a new one twice higher than it.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 18:35

The book deal with Chinese history.

Our teacher always emphsizes the fact that practice is the basis of knowledge.

Provided solutions and rules from the government immediately, polution could be kept under control.

One day, a blind girl played  fantanstically in front of crowd of audience.

Our school plan to build a new house twice higher that our dorm which is  three-floor.

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