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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-06 18:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 07:56



目前大家所喜欢吃的巧克力可以说是由荷兰人首先发明的。他们利用加入碱的方法成功的去除了可可豆中的苦味。而荷兰的国家公共卫生及环境研究所(National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)的Brian Buijsse最近发表了一个调查报告(Zutphen Elderly Study),针对1000位年纪在65到84岁的男性进行调查。其中一部分的研究是针对470个男性在1985年到2000年间,可可的食用量进行分析。




Cocoa Linked to Lower Risk of Disease

The Dutch have a long history with chocolate. Although native Mexicans and their Spanish conquerors first used the bitter bean--and reported on its tonic powers--a Dutchman was the first to extract modern cocoa and neutralize its bitterness with alkali. The modern chocolate bar was born. Now, results from a study of aging Dutch men have shown that cocoa consumers were half as likely to die from disease than those who did not eat the sweet treat.
Brian Buijsse of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in Bilthoven and his colleagues measured the cocoa intake of 470 men between 1985 and 2000 as part of the Zutphen Elderly Study, a longitudinal look at nearly 1,000 Dutch men between 65 and 84 years of age. The nutrition experts identified 24 cocoa-containing foods that the elderly men ate, ranging from dark chocolate bars to chocolate spreads. They summed the total amount of cocoa each consumed and came up with a grams-per-day measurement, which they used to separate the men into three groups: those who ate little chocolate, a modest amount, and the most

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 07:56

Chillies could be a magic ingredient in the fight against flab.

Chillies could be a magic ingredient in the fight against flab.

Research shows that capsaicin, the compound which gives the peppers their zing, makes fat cells self-destruct.

In laboratory experiments, the effect occurred at levels of chilli that would be found in the stomach of someone who ate one or two curries a day.

Chilli is already thought to speed up metabolism, aiding weight loss.

The results, reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, add to a weight of evidence on the health benefits of capsaicin.

Studies have shown it can cause prostate and pancreatic cancer cells to kill themselves. It also helps prevent and heal stomach ulcers.

This is because it blocks acid proction, stimulates alkali and improves blood flow in stomach tissue.

Experts claim that other research shows that gastric ulcers are three times less common in countries where large numbers of chillies are eaten.

In addition to all this, chillies have anti-inflammatory properties and scientists hope to use capsaicin to create a pill to treat swelling in arthritis sufferers.

Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis. It is thought the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them.

The latest study was concted in Taiwan.


(Daily Mail)












A bowl of soup a day could keep the pounds at bay

A bowl of soup a day could keep the pounds at bay.

health experts have discovered that adding low-calorie vegetable broth to the start of a meal can actually help to lose weight.

Because you tend to feel full sooner, you eat less of your main course.

The soup regime was tested by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, led by Dr Barbara Rolls.

They found that when participants in the study ate a first course of soup before lunch they reced their total calorie intake by 20 per cent, compared with those who did not begin the meal with soup.

But those who favour creamy soups should beware. Researchers stressed the soup must be low-calorie and based on stock, not cream.

All of the soups tested in the study were made from identical ingredients - chicken stock , broccoli, potato, cauliflower and carrots.

They were blended to create four different textures and thickness from separate stock and vegetables through to pureed soup.

Scientists thought that thick soups with chunks of vegetables which required chewing might be more filling, but to their surprise they found all forms had the same effect.

The findings were presented to the Experimental Biology conference in Washington, DC, and the research was partfunded by the National Institutes of health.

(Daily Mail)










高中生英语作文带翻译:健康饮食Healthy Diet

high quality and nutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and so on. The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil. And the junk food is those low nutrition,


we should advise them to eat healthy food.To be healthy !Eat noodles or rice AND some vegetables.Drink juice,water and milk,NOT Coke.Eat some meat,NOT hamburgers.Eat some fruit,NOT candy or ice cream.这


is very important!We should eat five kinds of food: grains, vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products.They're good for our health,but if you eat too many,they're also bad for you!


Good reasonably healthy eating habits is an important aspect of health care, can make the body healthy growth and development; poor eating habits will be infected with the disease in the body's normal physiological function disorder. On the contrary, proper diet can help the body to...




健康饮食英语手抄报 健康饮食的英语说法1:Ahealthydiet 健康饮食的英语说法2:eathealthy 健康饮食的相关短语:节食与健康饮食DietingandHealthyEating 畅谈健康饮食TalkingaboutHealthyFood 保证健康饮食Toensureahealthydiet;Ensuringhealthyeating 健康饮食习惯healthyeatinghabits;dietaryhealthhabit 健康饮食六大规则Six...


which our body need.Finally,we should not eat too much or too little for every meal.Over-eat or dieting is very harmful for our stomach and health.All above are my thoughts about having a healthy diet.If we can do as them,our body will become much better and healthier ...


Eating habits and Healthy It is to say,hunger breeds discontent,so a good Eating habits is very important for our healthy.For breakfast we can have some bread an egg or a glass of milk,It is not a good habit to eat foods with heavy oil.We can have rice or pasta for ...




Don't drink milk when you are hungry! 在很饿的时候不能喝牛奶。

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