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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-08 03:58



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 02:31

原文:按原厂出据的材料之材质证明(MSDS),每一批次原材料的生产,其Carbon Black含量都会控制在0.1-1.0%的范围内。而出厂检验报告(COC)是检测材料的物理性能的测试报告,并非检测材料的配方,所以Carbon Black含量不应该是COC之检测内容。

译文:According to original material out of evidence, according to the materials (MSDS), the proction of each batch of raw materials, its Carbon Black will be controlled at 0.1-1.0% concentration range. The factory inspection reports (COC) is to test the physical properties of the material test reports, inspection materials, the formula is not, so Carbon Black content of the test should not be the content of COC.

原文:另外,根据原厂提供的关於Carbon Black含量与电气性能的关系。Carbon Black含量只要在5%以下,其对电气性能的影响是微乎其微的。如贵司坚持认为新加坡产地的材料对生产构成影响,可换成南沙产地,后续我司也会以南沙和美国产地的材料供应。

译文:Besides, according to information provided on Carbon Black original content and electrical performance relationship. Carbon Black content as long as less than 5% of its electrical properties should be negligible. If your company insists that the origin of materials in Singapore impact on proction could be replaced by the Nansha origin, follow-up, I would order the Secretary of the Spratly Islands and the U.S. origin material supply.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 02:32

According to original material out of evidence, according to the materials (MSDS), the proction of each batch of raw materials, its Carbon Black will be controlled at 0.1-1.0% concentration range. The factory inspection reports (COC) is to test the physical properties of the material test reports, inspection materials, the formula is not, so Carbon Black content of the test should not be the content of COC.

Besides, according to information provided on Carbon Black original content and electrical performance relationship. Carbon Black content as long as less than 5% of its electrical properties should be negligible. If your company insists that the origin of materials in Singapore impact on proction could be replaced by the Nansha origin, follow-up, I would order the Secretary of the Spratly Islands and the U.S. origin material supply.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 02:32

According to the material attestation supplied by the manufactory, the Carbon Black content of each passel of raw material will be controlled in the range of 0.1-1.0%. As we all know that the COC is about the physical performance of the material, not about the component of the material, so the content of Carbon Black is not included in the COC.
Otherwise, according to the relationship between Carbon Black and electric capability provided by the manufactory, if the content of Carbon Black is fewer than 5%, its effect to the electric capability is very little. If your company insists that it’s the material from Singapore that brought undesired effect to the proction, we can take the material from Spratly Islands as an alternate choice. In the future we will provide the material from Spratly Islands and America as well.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 02:33

According to original material out of evidence, according to the materials (MSDS), the proction of each batch of raw materials, its Carbon Black will be controlled at 0.1-1.0% concentration range. The factory inspection reports (COC) is to test the physical properties of the material test reports, inspection materials, the formula is not, so Carbon Black content of the test should not be the content of COC.

Besides, according to information provided on Carbon Black original content and electrical performance relationship. Carbon Black content as long as less than 5% of its electrical properties should be negligible. If your company insists that the origin of materials in Singapore impact on proction could be replaced by the Nansha origin, follow-up, I would order the Secretary of the Spratly Islands and the U.S. origin material supply.


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