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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-19 02:30



热心网友 时间:2024-04-17 04:59

Now the phoenix SUNS exploits the western conference finals, the management team and all this in recent seasons squad form are inseparable. Beijing time May 13, from strife-torn accused to known as "genius", cole finally got a taste of the harvest, talking in the past few years as the SUNS manager, cole is quite a feeling.

"Many night I think, 'why did in the line, I originally should continue to speak with the microphone bench." Cole said: "that day better." But cole this "complain" is not to blame fans, "I blame they deserve," to accept this job before this clear waiting for his will, and I really bad grades last job. "

Cole watched the SUNS team training today, actively with the Los Angeles lakers for next week of the western conference finals, "this is my expected results." Cole said: "we just walked a unusual way to get there." Cole in 2007 as the SUNS team manager don't have any working experience in management, while he was in before the game 4 an explanation, but the TNT 15 years of experience in the NBA and helping the team won five times has become the most convincing cole work experience.

After taking office cole to rece salary burden, so he will Kurt Thomas through trade off and learned a lot from my question, "the first transaction is abandoned and two first-round draft picks at the great post player." giving Cole said: "people say, 'why do so, it wasn't a good business.' I reluctantly replied, 'do you think I want to do?' to l out to make these seemingly bad involving the transaction, I must clean out more space."

In order to fill the vacancy, SUNS once inside ShaKuiEr up, but they still o 'neal was in the playoffs for the SAN Antonio spurs, "we know the elimination of this squad is good enough, not because shaq is bad, but because this team doesn't work." Cole said. And when the coach mike ASHLEY cole is DeAnDongNi - split after the first change, he is eager to find a team to bring some defense and bold use to young players, but the coach terry porter's attention to the SUNS in defence instead lost their offense, "I was feeling a need to hear some different sound, because we are trying to change for a defense will be more outstanding team." Cole said: ",cheap football jerseys;but I was wrong, I should start from employment Irwin - gold terry."

In fact cole before long he decided to give up using, and gold terry porter is temporary coach, unfortunately the SUNS in the playoffs last season, but still failed to show the gold makes coach terry and ASHLEY cole impressed by formal ascension,The NBA Jersey bucks reinforcing backcourt, ",NFL jerseys On Sale;I always coach that he has a high basketball IQ." Gold in terry said cole: "everyone in the habit of others, that is our success, he is a great manager."

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Now with Boris abstruse and jia - bell for Jason Richardson and union-backed think tank - Dudley indeed is advisable, both in the playoffs predicted the vital role, while goran Della salihamidzic and robin - lopez also appears very unusual, "our squad cannot be copied, team player's performance is just incredible, both you and I cannot find in other teams like the SUNS this configuration.
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