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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 18:02



热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 19:08

Hello - Karmin
I’ma do it' do it
Like I wanna do it
You gon’ know me like' you ain’t never known me before
I’ma bring it' bring it
I’ma give it' give it
You gon’ love me like you ain’t loved nobody before

Hello' hello' hello' hello
Hello' hello' hello' hello
Hello' hello' hello' hello
You gon’ love me like you ain’t loved nobody before
Too nice! Too clean! Too white! Too green!
Little haters' big dreams
I don’t care what you think about me' uh
Two face old friends told me the end was near' ha
Forget them
See a lot of things changed since then

Don’t they know that I came from Nebraska?

Am I gonna quit? No
Nice o’ you to ask
But' Momma told me' go out and chase what you’re after
I’m on track so I’ma rap faster
I’ma break it down for you and get a little deeper
Slayin’ on it prayin’; on it like a grim reaper
Runnin’ the thermometer yup' I got the fever
Hi' konichiwa' are you a believer?

I’ma do it' do it
Like I wanna do it
You gon’ know me like' you ain’t never known me before

I’ma bring it' bring it
I’ma give it' give it
You gon’ love me like you ain’t loved nobody before
Hello' hello' hello' hello
Hello' hello' hello' hello
Hello' hello' hello' hello
You gon’ love me like you ain’t loved nobody before
Too hard! Too soft! Too rough! Too posh!
Lemme do' what I want
Lace it up baby' tie it in a know' oh!
Race track' two legs! Hollywood' big break!
Suck it up' intake!
Let me tell you how it happened real quick
Oh touch down in the middle of the city
Mass Ave. St. jam up to Newbury
Million dollar party now tell me who you wearin’
Lotsa new hand held hype you can carry
I’ma break it down for you and get a little deeper
Slayin’ on it prayin’; on it like a grim reaper
Runnin’ the thermometer yup' I got the fever

Hi' konichiwa' very nice to meetcha!

I’ma do it' do it
Like I wanna do it
You gon’ know me like' you ain’t never known me before
I’ma bring it' bring it
I’ma give it' give it
You gon’ love me like you ain’t loved nobody before
Hello' hello' hello' hello
Hello' hello' hello' hello
Can you hear me now!
Hello' hello' hello' hello
You gon’ love me like you ain’t loved nobody before

Let me keep going' baby till I’m dead and gone
That’s my only wish

And if you don’t know I’ll be singing my song
I got a lot to give

I’ma do it' do it
Like I wanna do it
You gon’ know me like' you ain’t never know me before
I’ma bring it' bring it
I’ma give it' give it
You gon’ love me like you ain’t love nobody before
Hello' hello' hello' hello
Hello' hello' hello' hello
Can you hear me now!
Hello' hello' hello' hello
You gon’ love me like you ain’t love nobody before
Hello' hello' hello' hello
Hello' hello' hello' hello
Hello' hello' hello' hello
You gon’ love me like you ain’t love nobody before
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