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雅思口语话题 Describe a street in your city. 求口语答案 帮忙 30分全献上

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 16:52



热心网友 时间:2023-11-21 12:57

Granville Street in Halifax is nice but suffers from having dead ends and only being a few blocks long. At the Northern end it is cut off by an interchange. Unfortunately, that side used to have several nice buildings from the same period as the others that were destroyed, along with naval yards with stone buildings dating back to the 1700s (the clock from that area was saved and was put in the middle of an ugly parking lot for tour buses nearby).

If they put some kind of major development at that end of the street it would make a pretty big difference, at least for the pedestrial mall block. There are also two 27 storey towers waiting for approval that would be on the left side of the street behind the black building but in front of the Aliant tower (Maritime Centre) in the first photo.

The street in Vancouver that could eventually become something is, surprisingly, Hastings.
It was once Vancouver's premier street and could be again. From Burrard all the way to Main all the original architecture is still in place its just been allowed to rot. As downtown fills up you are already seeing condos slowing going east of Cambie and that will continue. There really are some beautiful buildings on Hastings. Now that the Woodsworth is FINALLY getting redone I think that will be the impetus to see Hastings return to its former glory.
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