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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-17 09:23



热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 19:08

英文版:Article 1 in order to protect people's health, promote social morality, and rece the harm caused by smoking, according to "prohibit smoking in public places in Beijing's rule" in light of the actual situation of the city, the enactment of this provision.
The second of the ban on smoking in public places following:
(A) of the indoor regional medical institutions;
(B) nurseries, kindergartens;
(C) in primary and secondary schools, secondary vocational schools;
(D) of colleges and universities and other ecational and training institutions teaching region;
(5) theaters, concert halls, exhibition halls, museums, art galleries, libraries, Science and Technology Museum, archives, the Children's Palace, the Memorial Hall science, ecation, culture, arts venues;
(6) business, finance, postal and telecommunications instry in the Office business;
(7) us, taxi, public transport such as rail traffic in and ticketing offices, indoor sites;
(8) open to the community of heritage preservation unit;
(9) Stadium, gym;
(10) fitness market, the competition area and stadium seating area.
Article 3 of the following public places can set up designated smoking areas or smoking rooms, smoking rooms or smoking areas outside the regional ban on smoking:
(A) restaurants, Internet access service sites and other premises of the service area;
(B) of parks, playgrounds and other public facilities;
(C) aircraft, train, bus and other public transport waiting rooms.
Article 4 of guesthouses, hotels, guest houses, training centres, resorts and other accommodation establishments rest of the service, shall, in accordance with the provisions of smoke-free rooms or smoke-free floors.
Article 5 of organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions of the office, meetings and other work places and canteens, access roads, elevators, bathrooms and other internal ban on smoking in public places.
Organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions based on the actual situation, in addition to the above provisions to determine the internal ban on smoking in public places, and do a good job related to management.
Encourage the establishment of smoke-free units.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the provisions of Article 3 set up smoking rooms or designated smoking areas should abide by the following provisions:
(A) comply with fire safety requirements;
(B) setting clear signs;
(C) and non-smoking, non-smoking areas in isolation;
(D) away from the staff-intensive regional and pedestrians must go through the main channel.
Article 7, set up designated smoking areas or smoking in public places in the unit, should be strengthened to prohibit smoking in public ecation and take effective measures to phase out smoking rooms or smoking areas.
Article 8 of ban on smoking in public places in the unit should be in accordance with the provisions of the ban on smoking in public places set up a unified clear no-smoking signs, harmful to health and the strengthening of smoking in public places no-smoking publicity and ecation work, and to discourage timely, Stop smoking in public places in the act.
Article 9 of the whole society should support the ban on smoking in public places of work.
Radio, television, newspapers and other media should take various forms, carried out against tobacco, harmful to health and smoking in public places no-smoking publicity and ecation to enhance the entire society to create awareness of smoke-free environment.
Article 10 ban on smoking in public places where non-compliance unit "to prohibit smoking in public places in Beijing's rule" and the provisions of the ties of the municipal or district, county Office of Patriotic Health Campaign Committee in accordance with the "Beijing's ban on smoking in public places The provision "to deal with it.
City or area, the county Office of Patriotic Health Campaign Committee, or can be commissioned by the city, the county health department stipulated the implementation of the administrative punishment.
Article 11 These provisions on May 1, 2008 will go into effect.
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