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喜欢Thrash Metal的进,TM纪录片Get Thrashed的片头和结尾曲名字和乐队

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 09:53



热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 20:36

我知道,你提到的这首歌我也超级喜欢,此乐队名叫The Law,瑞典的,这首歌收录在他们08年的专辑中,歌名叫Anthem,专辑名叫Distorted Anthems from the Suburbs。我在虾米音乐上找到的,推荐楼主可以去试试,虽然我的回答距离你的提问时间过了很久,不过还是衷心希望对你有帮助!

Nothing cant' be more complicated
The formula of that solo and lead
Making riffs will blow your heads off
Popping licks that will tear you apart
The urges buried deep within us
Crouch to wonder if uses to mosh
The glorius metal and metal is the law
And hell is breaking loose

Thrash, Thrash, Thrash
We do it for the thril, thrill, thrill
We're forcing you to mosh, mosh, mosh
Tonight and to death

With the torch we are searching for answers
We found the truth in loud guitars
With help from our ancestors
We're heading for the stars

We took a hint from San Francisco
We took a ride to NYC
Any influence to complete us
From Exos to S.O.D


"Thrashin trough my mind
Forcing you to mosh"

We continue with the legacy
We gonna kill them all
To raining blood among the living
The fabolous disaster

We took a hint from San Francisco
We took a ride to NYC
Any influence to complete us
From Exos to S.O.D


热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 20:36


The GET THRASHED journey begins in the early 80s, where Metallica and several other bands laid the groundwork for what would become a lasting impression on the face of heavy metal music. These bands helped ignite local scenes in Los Angeles, the Bay area of California and New York City, which helped fuel a worldwide thrash metal movement. By the dawn of the 1990’s, thrash bands had gone from playing backyard barbeque parties to headlining arenas and Metallica were on their way to becoming one of the biggest metal acts of all time. But as legions of headbanging, stage diving and moshing metalheads were flocking to see their favorite bands, the tides had begun to change. In the early 1990’s, a changing musical landscape sent thrash spiraling back into the underground. Some of the musicians passed away, some returned to their day jobs and some bands broke up. While the music lived on, the scene was forever changed.

Get Thrashed traces the rise, fall and impact of thrash metal; from its early years, through its influence on grunge, nu metal and today’s heavy metal scene. It is the story of the heaviest, hardest music of the 80s and early 90s as told by the bands who lived it, the fans and bands that grew up on it and by the artists that carry the “thrash metal” flag today. The documentary throws new light on an overlooked, yet incredible music scene and how it went from a simple rumbling in the underground to a loud, obnoxious and constant roar in the (almost) mainstream.

出镜的团涉及Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Exos, Godsmack, Hatebreed, Megadeth, Testament, Overkill, Death Angel, Shadows Fall, Meshuggah, In Flames, Strapping Young Lad, Stone Sour, Superjoint Ritual, Lamb of God, Vio-lence, Kreator, Sodom, Destruction , Nuclear Assault, Voivod, Chimaira, Biohazard, Fozzy/WWE Superstar Chris Jericho, Sepultura, Kittie, The Haunted, DRI, Soilwork, Killswitch Engage, Heathen, Hirax, Brian Slagel, Jon & Marsha Zazula, authors Ian Christe (Sound of the Beast) & Steven Blush (American Hardcore), NY metal radio DJ Eddie Trunk, Rampage Radio's Ron Quintana, KNAC's DJ Will and featuring the music of: Osmium, Concrete Coffin, Viscid, Nocturnal Fear, Steve Cone, Exit To Eternity, Kaos, Response Negative, URTO, THE LAW & KRONIN
喜欢Thrash Metal的进,TM纪录片Get Thrashed的片头和结尾曲名字和乐队...

我知道,你提到的这首歌我也超级喜欢,此乐队名叫The Law,瑞典的,这首歌收录在他们08年的专辑中,歌名叫Anthem,专辑名叫Distorted Anthems from the Suburbs。我在虾米音乐上找到的,推荐楼主可以去试试,虽然我的回答距离你的提问时间过了很久,不过还是衷心希望对你有帮助!下面再给楼主附上歌词 ...

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